A ‘Calm Day’ For Iraq: Leaves 11 Dead

At least 11 Iraqis were killed and 13 more were wounded in light violence across the country.

In Baghdad, gunmen killed a soldier and wounded another at a Binouk checkpoint. Three people were wounded in a blast near a Karrada liquor store. A sticky bomb wounded a journalist in an explosion near the airport. A bomb in Adil wounded two civilians. Twenty suspects were captured.

A booby-trapped car killed two soldiers and wounded three bystanders when it was detonated in Mosul last night. Gunmen killed a tribal leader and his son.

Near Baquba, gunmen invaded a home where they killed a man and his three-year-old daughter.

A councilman and his son were killed during a sticky bomb blast in Hit.

Gunmen in Saidiya killed a civilian, who had recently been released from jail on terrorism charges.

In Jalawla, a sticky bomb wounded two people including a civilian.

A Sahwa member was wounded when gunmen attacked a checkpoint in Salam.

In Khadraa, an al-Qaeda suspect was killed during a raid.

A navy captain was kidnapped in Basra.

Gunmen blew up a Tikrit home, but no casualties were reported.

In response to mortar fire directed at a U.S. base yesterday, U.S. forces today shelled a grove in the Khalis area.

Sixteen suspects were detained across Diyala province.

An al-Qaeda suspect was captured in Riyadh.

A bomb targeting a U.S. patrol in Sajar exploded without leaving casualties.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for Antiwar.com since 2006.