“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a socialist.| Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – Because I … Continue reading “Perilous Times for Personal Liberty”
The Ukraine War: Frank Talk, Liberal to Liberal
It doesn’t really pay for a liberal to see through propaganda because you either alienate yourself from all your liberal friends who are wallowing in it, or you sit in crushing silence out of fear of being ostracized. To be true to myself, I’ve opted for the former route, to speak out, liberal to liberal, … Continue reading “The Ukraine War: Frank Talk, Liberal to Liberal”
Why ‘Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace’ Advocates Cling to Genocide Denial
Israel’s renewed assault on Gaza comes several months after both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch issued reports concluding without equivocation that Israel was engaged in genocide. But very few members of Congress dare to acknowledge that reality, while their silence and denials scream out complicity. In a New York Times interview last weekend, the … Continue reading “Why ‘Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace’ Advocates Cling to Genocide Denial”
US Foreign Policy Was Never About Promoting Democracy
U.S. President Donald Trump may, or may not, have been joking when he promised to be dictator for a day or when he called himself “the king” or when he asserted that he is above the law or even when he has teased about seeking a third term. But in his first weeks in the … Continue reading “US Foreign Policy Was Never About Promoting Democracy”
American Spring? Uphold Freedom of Speech on American Campuses
Reprinted with permission from The Kucinich Report. Throughout my political career, I have steadfastly defended the First Amendment, particularly the right to free speech. In 2002, I delivered a speech entitled A Prayer for America, where I challenged the rationale of the PATRIOT Act and questioned actions that infringed upon the constitutional guarantees of freedom … Continue reading “American Spring? Uphold Freedom of Speech on American Campuses”
The Monkey’s Tail: How Netanyahu’s Ambitions Expose Israel’s Vulnerabilities
“The higher the monkey climbs, the more he shows his tail,” warns a timeless Chinese proverb. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, however, seems to neither heed the lessons of history nor the wisdom of such folk sayings. By leading a vilification campaign against Egypt, the Israeli leader is further exposing his country’s vulnerabilities. This is … Continue reading “The Monkey’s Tail: How Netanyahu’s Ambitions Expose Israel’s Vulnerabilities”
President Trump: Stop Bombing Yemen and Exit the Middle East!
Over the weekend President Trump ordered a massive military operation against the small country of Yemen. Was Yemen in the process of attacking the United States? No. Did the President in that case go to Congress and seek a declaration of war against the country? No. The fact is, Yemen hadn’t even threatened the United … Continue reading “President Trump: Stop Bombing Yemen and Exit the Middle East!”
Ceasefire: Ukrainians Died in Vain
On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine with a small force of around 142,000 troops. Not enough to conquer Ukraine, the invading force was sufficient to persuade Ukraine to the negotiating table. Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that was the original goal of the military operation: “[t]he troops were there to push the Ukrainian … Continue reading “Ceasefire: Ukrainians Died in Vain”
The Genesis of Sectarian Violence in Syria
Reprinted with permission from The Kucinich Report. While many in Washington claim to defend Christianity and Western values, their policies have led to the systematic annihilation of some of the world’s oldest Christian communities. The same politicians who posture as defenders of faith have not just turned a blind eye to the suffering of Christians … Continue reading “The Genesis of Sectarian Violence in Syria”
Reflections on My Arrest and Lessons Learned
Reprinted from Yves Engler’s website. An extreme Jewish supremacist activist convinced the police to arrest me for criticizing her racist posts. She’s likely acting as a front for a vast Zionist ‘lawfare’ initiative hostile to embarrassing Canadian leaders. Over the past 16 months I’ve annoyed many among the Jewish Zionist establishment. My writing, social media … Continue reading “Reflections on My Arrest and Lessons Learned”