Iraq Weekly Roundup: 11 Killed

At least 11 people were killed in recent violence. Three people were found in an old mass grave:

Turkish strikes against Kurdistan Workers’ Party (P.K.K.) left 10 guerrillas dead in Hakurk.

A gunman killed a police officer in Tarmiya.

Three bodies were found underneath old rubble in Mosul. The trio are believed to belong to one family killed years ago, possibly during a bombing campaign against ISIS militants. Authorities frequently find victims of the conflict with ISIS as they are removing rubble throughout the Mosul area.

Iraq is requesting several countries to help repatriate 89 foreign children being held in Iraqi prisons along with their ISIS mothers.

Also, lawmakers secretly gave themselves a large salary increase during a parliamentary session on August 7. The meeting, kept secret from the public and the press, has been criticized as unconstitutional, sparking fears of public anger and new protests.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for since 2006.