Bombers Return to Baghdad; 159 Killed, 127 Wounded Across Iraq

Shi’ite pilgrims were targeted as they traveled to a shrine in Baghdad where the remains of Imam Kadhim are said to reside. In those attacks and other violence, at least 150 Iraqis were killed and 127 more were wounded.

Anbar province:

A militant cell leader and three companions were killed during an attack in Khalidiya; a fourth companion blew himself up and a hostage was freed.

Gunmen attacked security personnel in Ramadi, killing two of them and wounded four more. A gunman was killed when the bombs he was transporting blew up. Fifteen militants were killed. Eleven gunmen were also killed.

In Haswa, gunmen killed three soldiers and wounded five more at an army base.

Shelling in Falluja killed seven people and wounded five more. Nine gunmen were killed.

A clash left two militants dead and three more wounded in al-Dara.

In Falahat, 23 gunmen were killed.


In Baghdad, a suicide bomber in a minibus killed 14 people and wounded 17 more in Tayaran Square. Twelve people were killed and 30 more were wounded in a car bombing in Shabb. A cross-dressing suicide bomber in Mansour killed six people and wounded 38 more. A bomb in Rashidiya killed a policeman and wounded three more. Fifteen militants were killed across the city.

A bomb in Qadisiya killed four people, including a child, and wounded three others.

In Tikrit, four militants were killed. Gunmen killed a police colonel and his driver, while three bodyguards were wounded.

In Mosul, gunmen stormed a policeman’s home and killed three people. A Turkmen woman was killed. A car bomb wounded five people, including two policemen. A bomb wounded a bodyguard working for the speaker of parliament. Gunmen wounded two policemen.

Five people were killed in a suicide bombing in Meshahda.

Two policemen were killed and three more were wounded when gunmen attacked them in Baiji.

Soldiers killed three gunmen in Sadr al-Yusufiya.

A militant leader and two aides were killed in Hamrin.

Three militants were killed in Jurf al-Sakhar.

The Diyala provincial council accused militants of extorting money from civilians and businesses.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for since 2006.