Eight Killed Across Northern Iraq

Light violence left eight dead and 14 wounded across northern Iraq.

Three bodies were recovered in Qayara.

In Kirkuk, an I.E.D. exploded near a bus at a football stadium, where the blast killed two players and wounded four more. A bomb targeting the director of home affairs wounded a woman and boy instead.

A Sahwa member and his seven-year-old son were killed in a grenade attack on their Mosul home. His wife and a maid were wounded.

A roadside bomb in Baiji killed a policeman and wounded three others.

An I.E.D. wounded three people, including two policemen, in Shirqat.

In Falluja,no casualties were reported when mortars struck a military H.Q. I.E.D.s exploded near a patrol but no casualties were reported.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for Antiwar.com since 2006.