Tuesday: 11 Iraqis Killed, 25 Wounded

At least 11 Iraqis were killed and 25 more were wounded as coverage of attacks resumed in the media. The parliamentary stalemate dominated the headlines, along with oil and Kurdish concerns, but the most significant story of the day came from the United Kingdom where an inquiry into the causes of the Iraq War continues to embarrass the war hawks.

At a British inquiry into the Iraq War, Carne Ross, who until 2002 was the first secretary to the British mission at the U.N. responsible for Iraq policy, said the United Kingdom intentionally exaggerated claims over weapons of mass destruction and never had the evidence to back up the allegations. This is not the first time the accusation has been made. Ross quit over Iraq policy.

Gen. Ray Odierno has ordered the tightening of security around bases in Iraq over a "fairly low" but suddenly "very consistent" threat from groups allegedly backed by Iran. These militants are often referred to as belonging to "special groups."

The imposition of new oil sanctions on Iran by the United States has affected relations between the Kurdish and central governments. Both sides are laying blame on each other for allowing oil products to be smuggled into the neighboring country. While certain government policies could be fueling the situation, profiteering seems to be behind the current smuggling. Those profiteers could include the "special groups" militants that Odierno is worried about.

In the past, the Kurdish and the central governments have been at odds over legal oil exportation, but with Kurdish support needed to select the next prime minister special concessions could be made to deal with Kurdish wants at this time. The stalemate over who will next lead Iraq has now stretched to five months, with the United Stated becoming increasingly anxious this could stall the drawdown of U.S. troops next month

The apparent issue behind the stalemate is that few besides Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki want him to continue in office, yet he has used every method at his disposal to hang on to the premiership at the cost of Iraqi security. A session of parliament scheduled for today was postponed over this impasse. Most agreed to the delay at first, but now the Iraqi National Alliance is calling for an emergency session. No party got a clear majority in March elections, but Iraqiya won the most seats, beating Maliki’s State of Law party by only two.

In Baghdad, two bombs in Mohandiseen left two policemen dead and five civilians wounded.

Gunmen stormed the Yusufiya home of an Awakening Council member, killing him and four family members.

A hand grenade attack in Khalis wounded a policeman and nine children. The children had gathered to watch a television crew filming. Three people were killed and as many as 10 were wounded during an explosion that took place as they were protesting recent bombings. A curfew has been imposed.

A sticky bomb killed a truck driver in Fallujah. A soldier was arrested after killing his father.

No casualties were reported after two blasts in Amiriya.

Security forces picked-up 21 suspects in Hawija after receiving information on potential attacks.

In Basra province, 22 suspects were detained. A Katyusha rocket attack on the U.S. base left no casualties.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for Antiwar.com since 2006.