Friday: 3 Iraqis Killed, 5 Wounded

Thousands of Iraqis demonstrated on the seventh anniversary of the fall of Baghdad, but violence itself remained light. At least three Iraqis were killed and five more were wounded. Also, a foreigner of unknown nationality was wounded in Baghdad. Meanwhile, the Islamic State of Iraq militant group took responsibility for a deadly triple bombing targeting foreign embassies last Sunday but also denied any connection for a coordinated attack against apartment buildings just two days later.

Followers of Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr held demonstrations throughout Iraq to commemorate the fall of Baghdad seven years ago and denounce the foreign occupation of the country. Thousands gathered in the holy city of Najaf to protest, where Sadrist officials derided Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Security forces in Anbar tightened security for the anniversary.

In Mosul, gunmen killed two off-duty policemen in a crowd.

A female body bearing gunshot wounds was found in Jadieda al-Shatt near Khalis.

In Baghdad, a blast wounded a foreign driver in Doura; he was working for a U.S.-guarded truck convoy.

A roadside bomb wounded two policemen yesterday in Ramadi.

In Fallujah, a pair of blasts wounded a civilian.

Rocket fire wounded a civilian in Kirkuk. A Naqshbandiya Army suspect was arrested.

Iraqi forces apologized for raiding a chieftain’s home in Garma and arresting two of his bodyguards.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for since 2006.