NY Times Skews the News… Again

"By the charter that my job was given when it was set up, I have the guaranteed right to go not just to the executive editor with any misgivings I have, but directly to the publisher. On one occasion, when I thought that there was too much opinion seeping into the news pages, I went … Continue readingNY Times Skews the News… Again”

A Tale of Two Constitutional Conventions: Iraq’s and Ours

Next week I will begin teaching a college seminar entitled "The Early American Republic," and the first subject we will tackle over the month of September is the framing of the Constitution of the United States and the struggle for ratification. By October we will study the challenges to the power of the newly created … Continue reading “A Tale of Two Constitutional Conventions: Iraq’s and Ours”

Triangulation for War

Over the weekend, a spectrum of liberal responses to Cindy Sheehan came into sharper focus. The message is often anti-Bush… but not necessarily antiwar. Frank Rich spun out his particular style of triangulation in the New York Times. While deriding President Bush’s stay-the-course stance, Rich also felt a need to disparage the most visible advocate … Continue reading “Triangulation for War”

The President, Cindy Sheehan, and How Words Die

“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.” – George Bush, “President Participates in Social Security Conversation in New York,” May 24, 2005 Forced from his five-week vacation idyll in Crawford by the … Continue reading “The President, Cindy Sheehan, and How Words Die”

Does Anyone Know What We Are Doing in Iraq?

President Bush is out of touch with the American people, the U.S. military, and international political reality. With every poll showing smaller and smaller minorities approving of Bush and his war in Iraq, with top U.S. generals sending signals that they want to reduce U.S. troops in Iraq, and with the world at large viewing … Continue reading “Does Anyone Know What We Are Doing in Iraq?”

The War Party Unhinged

Washington’s hawks are in a dither over the Iraqi constitution, as Eli Lake reports in the New York Sun, and the divisions illustrate the character and motives of the War Party, separating the everyday scoundrels from the truly villainous. Gauging the various reactions among today’s neoconservatives to the prospect of an “Islamic Republic of Iraq” … Continue reading “The War Party Unhinged”

Aluminum Tubes Déjà Vu

In a recent column entitled "Powerless Non-Experts," syndicated columnist Charley Reese allowed as how "journalists" had no power. We journalists are mere observers. Like the fans in the bleachers, we watch the game, and some of us report it and some of us comment on it. But we don’t affect it. Charley was describing honest … Continue reading “Aluminum Tubes Déjà Vu”

Backtalk, August 29, 2005

Why Are We In Iraq? Justin’s takedown of the horrid Michael Young (WSJ op-ed, Aug. 19) was spot on. That piece is the poster child for the incoherence of the libertarian imperialists. While it is difficult to decipher exactly what Young is saying for most of his article, one point comes through. Blame the victims! … Continue reading “Backtalk, August 29, 2005”

What Are We Fighting For?

Over the last four years, the message sent by neoconservatives to the rest of the nation has been clear: Get behind the Bush administration’s “war on terror” or be prepared to face the consequences. But when the grieving mother of a fallen U.S. soldier tops the neoconservative most wanted list of treasonous, terrorist-sympathizing, America-haters, you … Continue reading “What Are We Fighting For?”

A Six-Party Mess

According to the New York Times; “Pakistan’s president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, confirmed Tuesday for the first time that a Pakistani nuclear scientist had provided North Korea with centrifuge machines that could be used to make fuel for an atomic bomb, a Japanese news agency reported.” State Department spokesman Sean McCormack promptly claimed Musharraf’s confirmation “reinforces … Continue reading “A Six-Party Mess”