A Terribly Lopsided, Very Cruel War Continues

As I write this, in the last 15 days, Israel has bombed a tent city and a UN school and has killed 276 Palestinian non-combatants in a mid-day raid to gain the release of four Israelis being held as hostages. Almost 400 people were killed in the three actions, with many hundreds more wounded. In … Continue reading “A Terribly Lopsided, Very Cruel War Continues”

Congress Passes Mega-Billions More For Ukraine

Last week, Congress voted to send $95 billion in additional aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The largest portion was to Ukraine – $61 billion – after the Congress had previously approved $114 billion, for a total of $175 billion. The total GDP of Ukraine in 2022 was $160.5 billion. In other words, we basically … Continue reading “Congress Passes Mega-Billions More For Ukraine”

Gaza War Is Pushing Support for Israel to Historic Lows

On March 14, Sen. Charles Schumer, the majority leader in the U.S. Senate, gave a major speech on the Senate floor saying the Israeli government under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been “too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza, which is pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows.” Schumer … Continue reading “Gaza War Is Pushing Support for Israel to Historic Lows”

Ukraine Has Received Mega-Billions From US, Other Countries

As of mid-January, global aid to Ukraine has reached what the Kiel Institute for the World Economy described as the “staggering” amount of $278 billion. This means that Ukraine has actually had more money than Russia has been able to spend on this war. Russia’s total GDP of $1.8 trillion is just slightly over California’s … Continue reading “Ukraine Has Received Mega-Billions From US, Other Countries”

Terrible Tragedies Continue in Unjust War

The CBS national newscast on Jan. 20 showed the terrible anguish of a father holding a photograph of a little girl who had been killed a few days short of her first birthday by an Israeli bomb in Gaza. This father and another little daughter had just been pulled out of the rubble, fortunate to … Continue reading “Terrible Tragedies Continue in Unjust War”

Eisenhower’s Anti-Interventionist Course for Republicans

It should be an important lesson for everyone that possibly the most antiwar President we have ever had is the only one who spent almost his entire career in the military before becoming President. President Dwight David Eisenhower said in his most famous speech that "In the councils of government, we must guard against the … Continue reading “Eisenhower’s Anti-Interventionist Course for Republicans”

Syria Intervention Is a Mistake: US Can’t Run Entire Middle East

Speech on the house floor on October 7, 2015. Mr. Speaker: The same people that got us into a very unnecessary war in Iraq are now clamoring for military action in Syria. These same people that have opposed us getting out of Afghanistan – even though our troops have been there more than three times … Continue reading “Syria Intervention Is a Mistake: US Can’t Run Entire Middle East”

Endless Wars in Middle East More About Money Than Threats

Mr. Speaker, the week before last, the greatly respected conservative columnist Thomas Sowell wrote: "What lessons might we learn from the whole experience of the Iraq war? If nothing else, we should never again imagine that we can engage in nation building in the sweeping sense that term acquired in Iraq – least of all, … Continue reading “Endless Wars in Middle East More About Money Than Threats”

Endless Wars in Middle East More About Money Than Threats

Speech on the house floor on June 24, 2015. Mr. Speaker, the week before last, the greatly respected conservative columnist Thomas Sowell wrote: "What lessons might we learn from the whole experience of the Iraq war? If nothing else, we should never again imagine that we can engage in nation building in the sweeping sense … Continue reading “Endless Wars in Middle East More About Money Than Threats”

No Blank Check for the Pentagon

In an interview published by the McClatchy Newspaper Chain, Dick Armey, our former Republican Majority Leader, said he felt really bad about voting to go to war in Iraq. Mr. Armey said “Had I been more true to myself and the principles I believed in at the time, I would have openly opposed the whole … Continue reading “No Blank Check for the Pentagon”