ITN: Case Closed

One of the pioneering feats of its sort in the ongoing struggle to discover the truth and uncover the media manipulation behind the Balkans wars of the 1990s, Emperors-Clothes’ first film, Judgment, accomplishes all it has set out to do in a remarkably short period of time. At only thirty minutes in length, Judgment does … Continue reading “ITN: Case Closed”

Doubts about Colombian Intervention

The House of Representatives did pass a $13 billion supplemental appropriation bill last week that included $2.1 billion for the ill-advised mission in Kosovo and $1.7 billion for military and anti-drug aid to Colombia, by a fairly convincing 289-146 margin. But the votes garnered by several key amendments suggested increasing resistance to the idea that … Continue reading “Doubts about Colombian Intervention”

From Camp Swampy to Camp Bondsteel!

A friend asked the following question: "James Rubin admits that the US considered the Kosovo Liberation Army and the Bosnian Muslims ‘allies’ . . . Why? What motive does the US have for picking these bums as pals?" A review of authoritative sources on this subject makes the answer quite obvious. At the beginning of … Continue reading “From Camp Swampy to Camp Bondsteel!”

J. Reuben Clark (1871-1961)

CLARK’S TWO CAREERS The long life of Joshua Reuben Clark, Jr. embraced two quite different careers. Born in Grantsville, Utah in 1871, Clark received a law degree at Columbia University in 1906 and worked at the US state department from 1906 to 1913, leaving to form a private law practice. He served on the staff … Continue reading “J. Reuben Clark (1871-1961)”

America’s War In Colombia–Is it ‘For the Children’?

2’s column will not appear Wednesday or Friday this week: he is busy making the final corrections on his latest book, An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard, due out in July from Prometheus Books. His column will return Monday, April 10.Does anyone really believe that the $1.7 billion approved by … Continue reading “America’s War In Colombia–Is it ‘For the Children’?”

Who Will Save the Young?

"There is an easy way to assess foreign policy initiatives such as making defense commitments or sending American troops on foreign missions. First of all, determine the objective. Then ask yourself these two questions: Would I be willing to die to achieve this objective? Would I be content to see my children die to achieve … Continue reading “Who Will Save the Young?”

Masters of Deceit: Kosovo and the Media

The media told us that a reenactment of the Holocaust was going on in Kosovo, with the Serbs in the role of the Nazis and the Kosovar Albanians standing in for the Jews – and that was a lie. For it turned out that approximately 2,108 persons from both sides were killed in the pre-bombing … Continue reading “Masters of Deceit: Kosovo and the Media”

Never Mind Kosovo–What About New Mexico?

I was reminded of why I hate the Republican Party last Sunday morning while watching Tim Russert of “Meet the Press” prompt Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott on why we need to be involved everywhere. Iraq is supposedly building “long range missiles” in Khartoum, and “what are we going to do about that, Senator?” And … Continue reading “Never Mind Kosovo–What About New Mexico?”

Beyond Left and Right

Editor’s note: This is an edited version of Justin Raimondo’s speech, “The Globalist Design,” to the Second Annual conference. BEYOND LEFT AND RIGHT “Beyond Left and Right: The New Face of the Antiwar Movement,” that was the theme of this, the second annual national conference, and it’s a catchy phrase – but what … Continue reading “Beyond Left and Right”