Coming Apart at the Seams

America is burning. Quite literally. The most destructive riots in America in a very long time have hit more than two dozen cities, as opportunistic thieves and arsonists hijack massive peaceful protests and acts of peaceful civil disobedience sparked by the senseless murder of a man named George Floyd by Minneapolis police on May 25. … Continue reading “Coming Apart at the Seams”

The New Cold War With Russia Is All America’s Fault

The following is the text of a speech Scott gave to the King County, Washington Libertarian Party, February 29, 2020. According to Rep. Jason Crow, Russian President “Vladimir Putin wakes up every morning and goes to bed every night trying to figure out how to destroy American democracy.” But that’s not true. There’s no real … Continue reading “The New Cold War With Russia Is All America’s Fault”

Pensacola: Blowback Terrorism

Florida Senator Rick Scott is lost in the dark. After Friday’s deadly Afghan war-style “green on blue” attack by a Saudi air force officer at the Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida, the senator issued a statement calling the shooting an act of terrorism, and stating that this was the case, “whether this individual was … Continue reading “Pensacola: Blowback Terrorism”

The Rule of Law or CIA Coup?

Americans should support the impeachment and removal of President Donald Trump, but not for Ukrainegate. In fact, they should oppose his impeachment on Ukrainegate grounds completely. Trump’s real offense is waging an un-authorized, unconstitutional, illegal, treasonous and for-real genocidal war against the human beings of Yemen. His war crimes in Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Syria and … Continue reading “The Rule of Law or CIA Coup?”

To End the Wars, Attack the Right From the Right

Sadly, the antiwar and anti-national security state inclinations of American liberals and progressives have weakened since the days of President George W. Bush. Partisan incentives during Barack Obama’s presidency combined with the FBI-CIA-Democratic Party-media plot to falsely accuse President Trump of high treason with the Russians, or at least terribly insufficient patriotism, for the last … Continue reading “To End the Wars, Attack the Right From the Right”

Tulsi Gabbard’s Chance to Make the Race About the Wars

Tulsi Gabbard, U.S. Representative from Hawaii, is running for president. She’s one of the only Democrats in the race who says anything meaningful or interesting about foreign policy. Unlike the rest of them, she’s decided to make it the center of her campaign. Gabbard was for Iraq War II before she was against it, serving … Continue reading “Tulsi Gabbard’s Chance to Make the Race About the Wars”