141 Killed in Iraq Battles; Cholera Spreads South

A cholera outbreak that was first reported in the Abu Ghraib area appears to be spreading south. Reports are streaming out of Baghdad itself and the provinces of Babil, Najaf, Diwaniya, Najaf, and Samawa. The government is supplying citizens with water purification tablets and bottled water.

Turkey continued its airstrike campaign on Kurdistan Workers Party (P.K.K.) targets in northern Iraq.

At least 141 were killed and 13 were wounded in other violence:

Seven security members were killed in Tel Abu Jarad.

One civilian was killed and another was wounded in a small arms attack in Baquba.

Airstrikes on Mosul left 27 militants dead.

In Alam, security forces killed 25 militants.

Airstrikes on Husayba left 17 militants dead.

Fifteen militants were killed in Albu Aitha and Hamithiya.

Twelve militants were killed in Haditha.

In Hit, 10 militants were killed and five were wounded.

Eight militants were killed and seven were wounded in Salam.

In Samarra, six militants were killed.

Airstrikes in Anbar killed five militant leaders.

Four militants were killed near Anbar University.

In Sidiqiya, two militants were killed.

After learning his wife had been harassed by his leader, a militant beheaded his leader in Shirqat.

A suicide bomber was killed before he could leave any casualties in Balad Ruz.

Dozens of militants were killed in Sufiya.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for Antiwar.com since 2006.