Nine Killed Across Iraq

Nine Iraqis were killed and seven more were wounded in new attacks.

In Mosul, gunmen killed a policeman, a doctor and an engineer at separate locations.

A bomb at a home in Samarra killed a Sahwa leader and his two sons.

An explosion killed one civilian and wounded four more in Arab Jabour.

A bomb planted on a car belonging to an intelligence officer exploded in his garage in Shirqat but failed to harm anyone. An I.E.D. killed a policeman and wounded two others.

Gunmen killed a policeman in downtown Falluja.

In Baquba, a sticky bomb wounded a civilian.

A police official was targeted in Qayara, but a bomb failed to harm him or anyone else.

Author: Margaret Griffis

Margaret Griffis is a journalist from Miami Beach, Florida and has been covering Iraqi casualties for since 2006.