Netanyahu and the One-State Solution

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address U.S. legislators today. He will, no doubt, tell members of Congress that he supports a two-state solution, but his support will be predicated on four negative principles: no to Israel’s full withdrawal to the 1967 borders; no to the division of Jerusalem; no to the right of return for … Continue reading “Netanyahu and the One-State Solution”

Israel in a Post-American Era

In 1918, the United States proved militarily decisive in the defeat of the Kaiser’s Germany and emerged as first power on earth. World War II, ending in 1945, produced two truly victorious nations, the Soviet Union of Joseph Stalin and the America of Harry Truman. Out of the Cold War that lasted from Truman to … Continue reading “Israel in a Post-American Era”

Some Questions for Bibi

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in the United States today for a much anticipated visit. He will do a little fund-raising, will speak before Congress and at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) annual conference, and will meet with President Barack Obama. Netanyahu can expect the visit to go smoothly, with an adoring … Continue reading “Some Questions for Bibi”

Israel Prepares to Confront Historic Shifts

JERUSALEM—Back in August 2000, just weeks after the failed Camp David peace summit and weeks before the outbreak of the second Palestinian Intifada uprising, Marwan Barghouti, leader of the Fatah armed forces, laid out his alternative strategy for ending the Israeli occupation. Haranguing a crowd of frustrated Palestinians, he declared: “We shall march with our … Continue reading “Israel Prepares to Confront Historic Shifts”

Nakba Anger Points to Third Intifada

QALANDIA, Occupied West Bank—Israeli confidence that Nakba Day, marked by the Great March on May 15 in the occupied Palestinian territories, Israel, and neighboring Arab countries, would remain under control has backfired badly. Nakba, or “catastrophe,” Day on May 15 commemorates the establishment of the state of Israel, during which hundreds of thousands of indigenous … Continue reading “Nakba Anger Points to Third Intifada”

Fatah-Hamas Honeymoon Could Face Problems

RAMALLAH—Despite the euphoria surrounding the recent signing in Cairo of the groundbreaking unity accord between Palestinian rivals Fatah and Hamas, ending their four-year feud, numerous obstacles remain that could impinge on the implementation of a unity government. The Fatah-affiliated Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Islamist movement Hamas still have to overcome mutual suspicion, significant differences … Continue reading “Fatah-Hamas Honeymoon Could Face Problems”

Israel Should Applaud Fatah-Hamas Deal

In one word: Bravo! The news about the reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas is good for peace. If the final difficulties are ironed out and a full agreement is signed by the two leaders, it will be a huge step forward for the Palestinians—and for us. There is no sense in making peace with … Continue reading “Israel Should Applaud Fatah-Hamas Deal”

Israel Becomes the Settler State

The other day, the almighty General Security Service (Shabak, formerly Shin Bet) needed a new boss. It is a hugely important job, because no minister ever dares to contradict the advice of the Shabak chief in cabinet meetings. There was an obvious candidate, known only as J. But at the last moment, the settlers’ lobby … Continue reading “Israel Becomes the Settler State”

The Great Israeli Security Scam

Recent uprisings and rumblings across North Africa and the Middle East from Tunisia and Egypt to Saudi Arabia and Yemen have shone a bright, unflattering light on long-time U.S. allies in the region—despotic kleptocrats whom we supported sometimes to the tune of millions of dollars, or in some cases multi-billions of dollars, for decades. After … Continue reading “The Great Israeli Security Scam”

Goldstone’s Rethink

Israeli leaders have barely hidden their jubilation at an opinion article in last Friday’s Washington Post by the South African jurist Richard Goldstone reconsidering the findings of his United Nations-appointed inquiry into Israel’s attack on Gaza in winter 2008. For the past 18 months the Goldstone Report had forced Israel on to the defensive by … Continue reading “Goldstone’s Rethink”