Julian Assange: Freedom This Time, No Thanks to the Media

It is only right that we all take a moment to celebrate the victory of Julian Assange’s release from 14 years of detention, in varying forms, to be united, finally, with his wife and children – two boys who have been denied the chance to ever properly know their father. His last five years were … Continue reading “Julian Assange: Freedom This Time, No Thanks to the Media”

The Day the West Defined ‘Success’ as a Massacre of 270 Palestinians

Israel hasn’t just crossed the Biden administration’s pretend “red lines” in Gaza. With its massacre at Nuseirat refugee camp at the weekend, Israel drove a bulldozer through them. On Saturday, an Israeli military operation to free four Israelis held captive by Hamas since its 7 October attack on Israel resulted in the killing of more … Continue reading “The Day the West Defined ‘Success’ as a Massacre of 270 Palestinians”

The Media Used a Single Comma To Distract From a Ruling To Stop Genocide

Israel’s claim that a single comma exempts it from having to respect the International Court of Justice’s order last week to immediately halt its murderous attack on Rafah should be ridiculed. Instead it is being given space to breathe by complicit media like the Guardian. The paper’s diplomatic editor offers an “analysis” that takes seriously … Continue reading “The Media Used a Single Comma To Distract From a Ruling To Stop Genocide”

The Message of Israel’s Torture Chambers Is Directed at Us All, Not Just Palestinians

On a misty November morning 21 years ago, I was desperately trying to remain camouflaged. Concealed in the foliage of an orange grove in Israel’s rural Galilee, I hurriedly took photos of a drab concrete building not marked on any map. Even the original road sign identifying the site as Facility 1391 had been removed … Continue reading “The Message of Israel’s Torture Chambers Is Directed at Us All, Not Just Palestinians”

The West Now Wants ‘Restraint’ – After Months of Fueling a Genocide in Gaza

Suddenly, western politicians from US President Joe Biden to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak have become ardent champions of “restraint” – in a very last-minute scramble to avoid regional conflagration. Iran launched a salvo of drones and missiles at Israel at the weekend in what amounted a largely symbolic show of strength. Many appear to have been … Continue reading “The West Now Wants ‘Restraint’ – After Months of Fueling a Genocide in Gaza”

We Were Lied Into the Gaza Genocide. Al Jazeera Has Shown Us How

For weeks, as Gaza was battered with bombs and the body count in the tiny enclave rose inexorably, Western publics had little choice but to rely on Israel’s word for what happened on 7 October. Some 1,150 Israelis were killed during an unprecedented attack on Israeli communities and military posts next to Gaza. Beheaded babies, … Continue reading “We Were Lied Into the Gaza Genocide. Al Jazeera Has Shown Us How”

Assange’s ‘Reprieve’ Is Another Lie, Hiding the Real Goal of Keeping Him Endlessly Locked Up

The interminable and abhorrent saga of Julian Assange’s incarceration for the crime of journalism continues. And once again, the headline news is a lie, one designed both to buy our passivity and to buy more time for the British and US establishments to keep the Wikileaks founder permanently disappeared from view. The Guardian – which … Continue reading “Assange’s ‘Reprieve’ Is Another Lie, Hiding the Real Goal of Keeping Him Endlessly Locked Up”

How the Western Media Helped Build the Case for Genocide in Gaza

The past five months have been clarifying. What was supposed to be hidden has been thrust into the light. What was supposed to be obscured has come sharply into focus. Liberal democracy is not what it seems. It has always defined itself in contrast to what it says it is not. Where other regimes are … Continue reading “How the Western Media Helped Build the Case for Genocide in Gaza”

Torture, Executions, Babies Left To Die, Sexual Abuse… These Are Israel’s Crimes

Hostages tortured to death. Parents executed in front of their children. Doctors beaten. Babies murdered. Sexual assault weaponised. No, not Hamas crimes. This is part of an ever-growing list of documented atrocities committed by Israel in the five months since 7 October – quite separate from the carpet bombing of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza and … Continue reading “Torture, Executions, Babies Left To Die, Sexual Abuse… These Are Israel’s Crimes”

Biden’s Pier for Gaza Is a Hollow Gesture That Will Accomplish Nothing

A few observations on President Biden’s building of a “temporary pier” – or what his officials are grandly calling a “port” – to get aid into Gaza: 1. Though no one is mentioning it, Biden is actually violating Israel’s 17-year blockade of Gaza with his plan. Gaza doesn’t have a sea port, or an airport, … Continue reading “Biden’s Pier for Gaza Is a Hollow Gesture That Will Accomplish Nothing”