Conn Hallinan on covert operations out of control
What’s a superpower to do? Not much, says Chuck Peña
It has worked wonders so far, says Gordon Prather
*shorter headline & subhead:
Going for Broke
Tom Engelhardt on the expanding Af-Pak war
Ryan McCarl says drones make civilian casualties cheap
Andy Worthington says a pile of lies is still lies
Back in March, Pepe Escobar, that itchy, edgy global reporter for one of my favorite online publications, Asia Times, began laying out the great, ongoing energy struggle across Eurasia, or what he likes to call Pipelineistan for its web of oil and natural gas pipelines. In his first report, he dealt with the embattled energy …
Continue reading “Pipelineistan Goes Af-Pak”
We can’t afford another war, says Ron Paul
Last September, during the American presidential campaign, I wrote a column declaring that the United States had again invaded Cambodia, only this time "Cambodia" was Pakistan. President George W. Bush had ordered U.S. ground attacks on the Taliban inside Pakistan’s Tribal Territories, without Pakistan’s authorization. That was also when Barack Obama’s foreign policy campaign platform …
Continue reading “From Phnom Penh to Islamabad”
Philip Giraldi assesses Obama’s Af-Pak policies