Philip Giraldi on the judge’s folding under pressure
Israeli leaders have barely hidden their jubilation at an opinion article in last Friday’s Washington Post by the South African jurist Richard Goldstone reconsidering the findings of his United Nations-appointed inquiry into Israel’s attack on Gaza in winter 2008. For the past 18 months the Goldstone Report had forced Israel on to the defensive by …
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A campaign of attacks against the New Israel Fund (NIF), a U.S.-based progressive organization that supports human rights groups in Israel, has gained attention in both the Israeli and U.S. media, raising questions about the role played by foreign nonprofits and non-governmental organizations in influencing Israeli government policy. But an IPS investigation into publicly available …
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Did we win? Sunday marked the first anniversary of the Gaza War, alias Operation Cast Lead, and this question fills the public space. Within the Israeli consensus, the answer has already been given: Certainly we won; the Qassams have stopped coming. A simple, not to say primitive, answer. But that is how it looks to …
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JERUSALEM – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finds himself embattled on several fronts as he tries – so far unsuccessfully – to ward off the enormous international pressure on Israel unleashed by the Goldstone report for its conduct of the war against Hamas in Gaza earlier this year. Israel’s failure to bury the report has …
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According to a Chinese saying, if someone in the street tells you that you are drunk, you can laugh. If a second person tells you that you are drunk, start to think about it. If a third one tells you the same, go home and sleep it off. Our political and military leadership has already …
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