Bradley Manning Finally Gets a Hearing

Next week, as the country’s Christmastime frenzy is in full swing, a 24-year-old American Army private will be on trial for his very life. His supporters say “we are all Bradley Manning,” and perhaps they are right. His first hearing since he was arrested in May 2010 and put in military custody takes place on … Continue reading “Bradley Manning Finally Gets a Hearing”

War on Terror Keeps on Giving

A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference. – Thomas Jefferson The United States has entered a period of unparalleled tyranny for the nation, and a shotgun blast of it is hitting us this week. No longer is … Continue reading “War on Terror Keeps on Giving”

Can Congress Steal Your Constitutional Freedoms?

Can the president use the military to arrest anyone he wants, keep that person away from a judge and jury, and lock him up for as long as he wants? In the Senate’s dark and terrifying vision of the Constitution, he can. Congress is supposed to work in public. That requirement is in the Constitution. … Continue reading “Can Congress Steal Your Constitutional Freedoms?”

Setting the Trap

Buried in the annual defense appropriations bill is a provision that would give the President the power to use the military to intern anyone – including American citizens – indefinitely, and hold them without charges or trial, anywhere in the world, including on American soil. The provision essentially repeals the longstanding Posse Comitatus Act, which … Continue reading “Setting the Trap”

What If the Constitution No Longer Applied?

What if the whole purpose of the Constitution was to limit the government? What if Congress’ enumerated powers in the Constitution no longer limited Congress, but were actually used as justification to extend Congress’ authority over every realm of human life? What if the president, meant to be an equal to Congress, has become a … Continue reading “What If the Constitution No Longer Applied?”

Is Canada’s Attorney General Illiterate?

Supreme Court of Canada Case Information Docket 34357: Attorney General of Canada on behalf of the United States of America v. Abdullah Khadr Nov. 3, 2011: Decision on the application for leave to appeal, Bi De Ro. The application for leave to appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, Number C52633, … Continue reading “Is Canada’s Attorney General Illiterate?”

The Imperial Boomerang Returns

The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home. – James Madison House Raids, Murder, and Other Aggression The war in Iraq has been conducted using “urban warfare” tactics including the raiding of Iraqi homes. On several occasions, those raids have resulted in the killing of innocent civilians, … Continue reading “The Imperial Boomerang Returns”

Madison and Jefferson Were UnPATRIOTic

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” – Thomas Jefferson As a history teacher, I spend a great deal of time with the Founding Fathers, and, as an American citizen, I was raised to see them, their ideas, and the heritage handed down from them as … Continue reading “Madison and Jefferson Were UnPATRIOTic”

TSA Releases VIPR Venom on Tennessee Highways

Listen to Rep. Ron Paul deliver this address. If you thought the Transportation Security Administration would limit itself to conducting unconstitutional searches at airports, think again. The agency intends to assert jurisdiction over our nation’s highways, waterways, and railroads as well. TSA launched a new campaign of random checkpoints on Tennessee highways last week, complete … Continue reading “TSA Releases VIPR Venom on Tennessee Highways”