This past March, Robert Cassidy – the chief negotiator in bilateral talks with Long Yu Tu, China’s Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, over China’s entry into the World Trade Organization – made a promotional tour of Chinese universities and business organizations pitching the wonders of trade liberalization. Cassidy no doubt expected a standing ovation sprinkled … Continue reading “CHINA ON THE ROAD TO CAPITALISM”


When I read the Washington Post story on John McCain’s mad scheme to bolt the GOP and form a “centrist” third party, my first thought was: I’ve got Nostradamus beat. This, of course, is the typically self-referential mindset of any writer – just so you’ll know that we can’t help ourselves. At any rate, waaaay … Continue reading “McCAIN’S MUTINY”


When I read the Washington Post story on John McCain’s mad scheme to bolt the GOP and form a “centrist” third party, my first thought was: I’ve got Nostradamus beat. This, of course, is the typically self-referential mindset of any writer – just so you’ll know that we can’t help ourselves. At any rate, waaaay … Continue reading “McCAIN’S MUTINY”


A note from Justin Raimondo: Since I’m suffering from heat prostration today (it’s currently 101 degrees here in San Francisco!) and since I didn’t take Memorial Day off, I’m taking a break today. But here’s a past column that I know you’ll find interesting. It was my last “Wartime Diary” column, a daily series that … Continue reading “MY FELLOW AMERICANS”

Multiplying Balkan Confusion

The best news relating to the Balkans is that there seems to be something of a split within the Bush administration over "peacekeeping" missions like the NATO deployment in Bosnia and other Balkan countries. The worst news is that at this point the most vocal, mediagenic and forceful figures in the administration seem to be … Continue reading “Multiplying Balkan Confusion”

Building Settlements, Killing Peace

In a perfectly calculated spin, Prime Minister Sharon unilaterally declared "cease fire" last Tuesday (22.5). He did not announce it in the press conference that day, but made it known indirectly several hours later, giving even more bubble-gum for the columnists to chew: Did he forget to mention it (as his assistants say)? Or did … Continue reading “Building Settlements, Killing Peace”

Pearl Harbor and ‘Japanaphobia’

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin has captured the essence of the maudlin “patriotism,” the sheer ugliness of the mindless jingoism unleashed by the “Pearl Harbor” movie in her column on the subject, “Patriotism and Pearl Harbor,” which starts out maudlin and winds up ugly: “The hallowed waters that surround the sunken USS Arizona murmur gently like … Continue reading “Pearl Harbor and ‘Japanaphobia’”

The Secret of Pearl Harbor

Today’s column is an introduction to today’s "Spotlight,” John T. Flynn’s classic pamphlet The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor, which you can check out here. The smoke barely had time to clear before a dark cloud of intrigue and suspicion formed around the circumstances leading up to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. When the … Continue reading “The Secret of Pearl Harbor”