Dubya’s Kosovo Doubletalk

The recent Senate vote on the Byrd-Warner amendment to get us out of Kosovo was an object lesson in the way the two government-subsidized “major” parties operate, in practice, as two wings of the War Party; or, as Pat Buchanan puts it, “two wings of the same vulture.” While most Republicans supported the amendment, and … Continue reading “Dubya’s Kosovo Doubletalk”

Neo-Conservative Canes Wogs – Film At Eleven

ELLIOTT STRIKES BACK A few weeks ago, I was innocently cruising the web, when I stumbled on an essay which denounced American business for failure to warmonger. That was an interesting and serious charge. As I scrolled down, great clumps of unalloyed neo-conservative doctrine came tumbling down, as I recall, to the tune of "Mamas, … Continue reading “Neo-Conservative Canes Wogs – Film At Eleven”

McCaffrey a War Criminal?

We’ll see if legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh’s story suggesting that former Gulf War commander and now "drug czar" Gen. Barry McCaffrey either ordered or condoned actions that would be viewed as those of a war criminal if done by a foreigner turns out to "have legs," as we say in the business. Gen. McCaffrey … Continue reading “McCaffrey a War Criminal?”

Kosovo Turnabout–Mutiny in the Senate

The US Congress, at long last, is rising up in rebellion against our Kosovo policy; and, this time, it isn’t just a few Republican back-benchers. A bipartisan coalition of congressional heavyweights is demanding to know: Is there no end to our commitment in the Balkans? The chairman of the powerful Senate Armed Service Committee, Sen. … Continue reading “Kosovo Turnabout–Mutiny in the Senate”

Sex, Lies and the National Review

Debates can be fun, and feuds can be a blast if they’re done right. But I’m afraid my recent series of exchanges with National Review Online Editor Jonah Goldberg has degenerated into the kind of ugliness can only be properly answered with a left hook. Now I won’t play the innocent – that won’t work … Continue reading “Sex, Lies and the National Review”

The Great Yodeling Conspiracy

BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN Back from rusticating in the kindly shadows of a bodacious western mountain range, I naturally grow thoughtful – first of all, about mountains and music. Americans tend to romanticize mountains, forgetting what our ancestors knew, namely that mountains are bloody great obstacles to migration, unless of course you decide to … Continue reading “The Great Yodeling Conspiracy”

Clintonizing Intervention: ‘It’s for the Children’

The growing convergence between the ideological extremes of “right” and “left” has been noted, in this column and elsewhere; little noticed, however, has been a corollary development, the drawing in of the political center to a common position that dispenses with the traditional conception of polarized politics. While Pat Buchanan (on the “far” right) and … Continue reading “Clintonizing Intervention: ‘It’s for the Children’”

The mainstream catches up

Well, well, well. The mainstream press is catching on to the tissue of lies woven by Pentagon and NATO spokesmen to justify the late, lamentable war on Kosovo and Yugoslavia. The question is whether the skepticism they are able to display now, more than a year after the war was begun with near-universal cheerleading from … Continue reading “The mainstream catches up”

Web of Lies: Will We Ever Know the Truth about the Chinese Embassy Bombing?

As Justin completes his upcoming book on Murray Rothbard, we present a Classic Raimondo piece from last year. October 18, 1999The web of lies woven by this Administration to cover up its crimes in the Balkans is so thick and crawling with vermin that it is virtually certain we won’t know the unvarnished truth for … Continue reading “Web of Lies: Will We Ever Know the Truth about the Chinese Embassy Bombing?”

The Story of the Century

This headline should set your alarm bells ringing: "Inquiry of Intelligence Failures Hits Obstacles." The effort to ferret out the truth from government officials is, predictably, like pulling teeth. But, in this case, the natural bureaucratic resistance to oversight is augmented by the reluctance of our legislators to probe too deeply. The much-vaunted congressional investigation … Continue reading “The Story of the Century”