The Neocon-Liberal Left’s Geopolitical Agenda

Once you are able to comprehend the geopolitical agenda of the beltway policy wonks for the Middle East, it should become transparent how incestuous the relationship between the neoconservative left and the liberal left really is. You should also be equipped to forecast exactly what is going to transpire in the Middle East. In fact, … Continue reading “The Neocon-Liberal Left’s Geopolitical Agenda”

Waiting on War

As the appalling people who rule us back and fill and improvise on the winding road toward what now seems a virtually inevitable war, it seems almost fruitless to try any more to dissuade our warbent president. Perhaps the Russians or the French, for esoteric diplomatic or power-politics reasons, can delay the introduction of long-planned … Continue reading “Waiting on War”

‘Antiwar Protesters’ Trash 9/11 Memorial

From the Tuesday, March 11, 2003 Whittier Daily News: "LA HABRA — Antiwar protesters burned and ripped up flags, flowers and patriotic signs at a Sept. 11 memorial that residents erected on a fence along Whittier Boulevard days after the terrorist attacks in 2001 and have maintained ever since." The first question that enters my … Continue reading “‘Antiwar Protesters’ Trash 9/11 Memorial”

UN Loyalties Expose Hypocrisy for Hawks and Doves Alike

War advocates are loudly complaining about the United Nations, which they allege stands in the way of a justified American attack on Iraq. Some say the U.S. should ignore the U.N. and act unilaterally. And yet, much of their case for war against Iraq hinges on Saddam Hussein’s violations of United Nation resolutions. So while … Continue reading “UN Loyalties Expose Hypocrisy for Hawks and Doves Alike”

Woolsey’s Folly

"There’s a word for people who say that democracy can’t work in Arab countries, and that word is racist." – former CIA director James Woolsey Yes, James Woolsey actually said that. It happened during last Tuesday’s Nightline "Town Meeting" on Iraq. Six big shots, three for war and three against, fielded questions from an audience … Continue reading “Woolsey’s Folly”

Reckless Warmongers

In their relentless drive to begin the American conquest of the Middle East, the War Party has lost all sense of proportion. This administration and its supporters have completely abandoned whatever sense of prudence they may have once possessed and pulled out all the stops in their campaign to justify their reckless course. Their unforgivable … Continue reading “Reckless Warmongers”

This War is Treason

Anyone who believes the attack on Iraq is about defending the U.S. against terrorism should listen to veteran FBI agent Coleen Rowley. Rowley, you’ll recall, caused a sensation when her testimony in front of Congress fingered higher-ups in the Bureau who inexplicably obstructed and effectively derailed the anti-terrorist effort in the crucial days prior to … Continue reading “This War is Treason”

From Kosovo to Baghdad

As the frustrated Empire attempts ever harder to justify the unjustifiable and launch an invasion of Iraq with some sort of placating pretext, it was inevitable that the precedent of Balkans interventions would come up again. Richard Holbrooke, former foreign policy hitman for the Clinton regime, complained in the Washington Post on February 23 that … Continue reading “From Kosovo to Baghdad”