Retiree Doggedly Pursues Legal Challenge of Iraq War

His name is Clare Callan. He is a feisty 85-year-old former congressman from rural Nebraska. And he is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to declare that Pres. George W. Bush had no legal authority to go to war in Iraq. Callan does not see himself as some kind of Don Quixote, haplessly tilting at windmills. … Continue reading “Retiree Doggedly Pursues Legal Challenge of Iraq War”

Know Bush by the Company He Keeps

It seems the mark of a superior politician is the inherent inability to admit to a mistake. Bush has certainly proven he is no exception. When asked last week by Barbara Walters whether going to war in Iraq was worth it considering that no weapons of mass destruction were found, Bush replied, "Oh, absolutely." Bush’s … Continue reading “Know Bush by the Company He Keeps”

What Chance for Reality?

One doubts that there were enough memorable phrases or stirring lines to make President Bush’s second inaugural address one of those that will be remembered for years. Nonetheless, it was a remarkably frank speech that offered citizens a reasonably honest look at how the president views his role over the next four years. That it … Continue reading “What Chance for Reality?”

Kirkuk at the Crossroads

KIRKUK – It is Eid al-Athad, one of the holiest days in the Muslim calendar. It marks the day when Abraham saved his son Isaac from sacrifice after a lamb was offered up instead. Earlier in the morning most families have killed a sheep for the holiday. Kurdish residents of Kirkuk later went door to … Continue reading “Kirkuk at the Crossroads”

Bush: The Crusade Must Go On

Kicking off his second four-year term, President George W. Bush Thursday delivered an inaugural address filled with the righteous resolve and soaring rhetoric that are music to his core constituency but will almost certainly grate on the nerves of almost everybody else, both here and abroad. The speech, which was studded with religious references, was … Continue reading “Bush: The Crusade Must Go On”

W and Dostoevsky

Midway through his inaugural address, when the president proclaimed "the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world," I wondered if Bush or his speechwriters knew or cared how alien this ultra-revolutionary rhetoric would seem to conservatives of the old school – and soon had my answer: "Because we have acted in the great liberating … Continue reading “W and Dostoevsky”

Bush: Unfazed … or Unhinged?

“Mr. Bush said there was no need to hold any of his officials accountable for mistakes or misjudgments in prewar planning or managing the aftermath…The [Washington Post] asked Mr. Bush why no one had been held responsible for wrong information about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or mistakes made after the US-led war. “‘Well, … Continue reading “Bush: Unfazed … or Unhinged?”

Dying for Sycophants

In her confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "Condi" Rice personified the Bush administration’s delusion-based "war against terror." Whenever a senator’s question penetrated to the harsh reality, Condi waffled and evaded, choosing to protect at the expense of her reputation the neocon delusion that invading Iraq was the "right thing to do." Exasperated, … Continue reading “Dying for Sycophants”