To MOX or Not to MOX

After four years of intense debate, President Bush has apparently decided to override President Carter and Greenpeace and "close the fuel cycle." Carter had essentially prohibited the "recycling" of "spent" nuclear fuel and required all U.S. electric utilities operating nuclear power plants to charge their customers a monthly fee that was to be handed over … Continue reading “To MOX or Not to MOX”

When Pigs Fly

After every deep-serious meeting with Russian and/or Chinese leaders, Secretary of State Condi Rice emerges to tell her media sycophants that the Russians and/or Chinese basically agree with our position on Iran’s nuclear programs. Condi’s position is that Iran’s nuclear programs – widely expected to be certified in March by Mohamed ElBaradei, Director-General of the … Continue reading “When Pigs Fly”

‘Disarming’ Tehran

President Bush will soon, once again, "take a few minutes to discuss a grave threat to peace, and America’s determination to lead the world in confronting that threat." Here are selected points Bush made in such a discussion back in 2002: "The threat comes from Iraq. It arises directly from the Iraqi regime’s own actions … Continue reading “‘Disarming’ Tehran”

What Noncompliance?

In President Bush’s first State of the Union message, he essentially accused North Korea, Iran, and Iraq of having clandestine nuke programs: “States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. “I will not wait on events, while dangers gather. I will not stand … Continue reading “What Noncompliance?”

Stuff and Nonsense

If the publisher and editors of the New York Times thought the soon-to-be released book – entitled State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration – by their reporter James Risen will undo the damage done to the reputation of the "newspaper of record" by disgraced neo-crazy media sycophant Judith … Continue reading “Stuff and Nonsense”

On Another Planet

Getting rid of Jayson Blair and Judith Miller was a good beginning, but the “Grey Lady” still has "reporters" publishing as “facts” neo-crazy (and eco-wacko) propaganda. Today, for example, Elaine Sciolino began her report from Paris (Paris?) this way; “Iran threw negotiations over its nuclear program into disarray on Thursday, abruptly canceling a high-level meeting … Continue reading “On Another Planet”

Nuclear Back-Scratching

Fifteen years ago – on the eve of the disintegration of the Soviet Union – Congress authorized financial and technical assistance to the Russians to help them secure, store, and dismantle excess Soviet nuclear weapons and to peacefully dispose of the excess weapons-grade materials recovered thereby. Furthermore, under the 1997 U.S.-Russia Trilateral Agreement with the … Continue reading “Nuclear Back-Scratching”

Diplomatic Rout

To the consternation of Bush, Cheney, and Rice, at the end of 2004, Iran concluded a $70 billion agreement with China, wherein state-owned Sinopec contracted to buy 250 million tons of LNG, help Iran develop its giant Yadavaran field and construct related oil, gas and petrochemical facilities, including a 220-mile pipeline to link up with … Continue reading “Diplomatic Rout”