Nebojsa Malic on the World Court and Kosovo
Nebojsa Malic on PR and the politics of genocide
Nebojsa Malic on refighting the Great War
Remembering a Trampled Armistice When NATO launched Operation Allied Force in March 1999, everyone involved in the operation thought it would be a short, victorious war. How could a tiny country, devoid of allies, besieged from without and divided from within, possibly hope to resist the world’s greatest – nay, only – military alliance? Yet …
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Nebojsa Malic on yet another meaningless summit
Nebojsa Malic on a brutal political attack
Nebojsa Malic on Turkey’s neo-Ottoman outlook
Serbia’s Srebrenica Resolution Late in the evening on March 30, while the attention of most Serbians was on a major basketball game, the Serbian parliament passed a resolution condemning and apologizing for the "Srebrenica massacre." Nearly three months in the works, the resolution was officially supposed to contribute to truth and reconciliation in the Balkans, …
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Nebojsa Malic on the mess that Bosnia still is
Nebojsa Malic on the Karadzic trial