The Boycott Israel Movement Needs to Rethink Tactics

Channel 10, one of Israel’s three TV channels, aired a report this week that surely frightened a lot of viewers. Its title was “Who Is Organizing the Worldwide Hatred of Israel Movement?” and its subject was the dozens of groups in various countries which are conducting a vigorous propaganda campaign for the Palestinians and against … Continue reading “The Boycott Israel Movement Needs to Rethink Tactics”

All Quiet on the Eastern Front

People endowed with sensitive political ears were startled this week by two words, which, so it seemed, escaped from the mouth of Benjamin Netanyahu by accident: “Eastern front.” Once upon a time these words were part of the everyday vocabulary of the occupation. In recent years they have been gathering dust in the political junkyard. … Continue reading “All Quiet on the Eastern Front”

A Parliamentary Mob on a Rampage

  When I was first elected to the Knesset, I was appalled at what I found. I discovered that, with rare exceptions, the intellectual level of the debates was close to zero. They consisted mainly of strings of clichés of the most commonplace variety. During most of the debates, the plenum was almost empty. Most … Continue reading “A Parliamentary Mob on a Rampage”

Two Sit-Ins

At this moment, two sit-ins are taking place in Jerusalem, two kilometers apart. In West Jerusalem, the Shalit family is sitting in a protest tent in front of the prime minister’s residence, swearing to remain there until the return of their son. In East Jerusalem, three members of the Palestinian parliament are holed up in … Continue reading “Two Sit-Ins”

Shalit Debacle Shows Netanyahu’s Incompetence

I am composing these lines while looking through the window at the blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea and thinking about the young man who is being held not far from this sea, a few dozen kilometers from here. Can Gilad Shalit look out on the same sea through his window? Does he even have … Continue reading “Shalit Debacle Shows Netanyahu’s Incompetence”

A Flash of Lightning

    Night. Utter darkness. Heavy rain. Visibility close to nil. And suddenly – a flash of lightning. For a fraction of a second, the landscape is lit up. For this split second, the terrain surrounding us can be seen. It is not the way it used to be. Our government’s action against the Gaza … Continue reading “A Flash of Lightning”

Who Is Afraid of a Real Inquiry?

If a real commission of inquiry had been set up (instead of the pathetic excuse for a commission), here are some of the questions it should have addressed: What is the real aim of the Gaza Strip blockade?If the aim is to prevent the flow of arms into the Strip, why are only 100 products … Continue reading “Who Is Afraid of a Real Inquiry?”

Exodus 2010

On the high seas, outside territorial waters, the ship was stopped by the navy. The commandos stormed it. Hundreds of people on the deck resisted; the soldiers used force. Some of the passengers were killed, scores injured. The ship was brought into harbor; the passengers were taken off by force. The world saw them walking … Continue reading “Exodus 2010”

Will Obama Be Blackmailed?

Rahm Emanuel is, so it seems, the American most hated by the leaders of Israel. He is considered the most dangerous opponent of the Netanyahu government in the White House. Behind closed doors, they shower him – if one is to believe the media – with anti-Semitic epithets. “Jewboy” is one of them. In Zionist … Continue reading “Will Obama Be Blackmailed?”

A Political Black Hole

Just to die of envy. How the British manage to do these things! What a democracy! What dignity! Elections within a month. A new coalition within five days. A change of government within 70 minutes. A visit to the queen. The departing prime minister takes his wife and two small children, leaves the prime minister’s … Continue reading “A Political Black Hole”