Most of us watching the Navy F-18s flyover the Super Bowl or the myriad NFL tributes to the military branches and their "wounded warriors" at nearly every game probably don’t think of it as a twisted glorification of two institutions that have largely contributed to the brain damage of a nation. Of course not. Most …
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Our goal, here at, is to change American foreign policy: to divert the US from its course toward empire and restore the old republic. How, exactly, is this going to happen? Well, to begin with, there are those who argue that it will never and can never happen: that once embarked on this course …
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Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, a practicing Catholic, sought a blessing on Wednesday from Pope Benedict XVI. Afterward Panetta reported that the Pope said, “Thank you for helping to keep the world safe” to which Panetta replied, “Pray for me.” In seeking those prayers, Panetta knows better than the Pope what moral compromises have surrounded him …
Continue reading “The Moral Torment of Leon Panetta”
At least three people were killed and four were wounded in new attacks. A fifth person was wounded while trying to self-immolate.
At least nine people were killed and six more were wounded in new attacks.
Light prayer day violence left five dead and nine wounded. Meanwhile, Sunnis held anti-government protests for the fourth Friday in a row and said that the prisoner releases were not enough to end their demonstrations. In Abu Ghraib, a bomb killed two policemen. Two soldiers were killed in a Tal Afar bombing. Gunmen wounded two …
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The standoff between Iran and the Western powers led by the United States has created an entirely new "industry" in Washington, which consists of "pundits" on Iran, its political system, and its nuclear program. Some of them are not experts at all, as their "expertise" consists entirely of hollow rhetoric, great exaggerations about the "threat" …
Continue reading “David Albright and Company Call for Intensifying War on the Iranian People”
In what may be a response to yesterday’s massive strikes against Kurdish targets in the north of Iraq, at least 47 people were killed and 145 more were wounded. Today, Shi’ite pilgrims were the main targets. Several of them were foreigners.
Normally the beginning of January would be a relatively quiet time in the Balkans. Winter temperatures and a blanket of snow tend to cool passions. Even the Empire and its hangers-on find it easier to adventure in Africa instead. So it seems a bit strange that both the quisling government of Serbia and the Albanian …
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As Israel’s ultra-nationalist parties continue to gain traction, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeks to appease them by building "settlements" with US taxpayer dollars on Palestinian land, the hostility between Washington and Tel Aviv is coming out into the open. While tension has been building for a while – I would argue since George W. …
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