Iranian ‘Ahmad Chalabis’ Are Helping Israel Plan Bombing of Iran

Ever since the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, the conservatives, the Israel lobby in the United States, and allied groups have been searching for an Iranian version of Ahmad Chalabi, the notorious Iraqi figure that was allied with the neoconservatives in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, who for years fabricated … Continue reading “Iranian ‘Ahmad Chalabis’ Are Helping Israel Plan Bombing of Iran”

US Gives a War Criminal the Honor of Speaking to Congress

On Wednesday July 24, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to a joint session of Congress. As he was speaking, the war in Gaza was continuing, with more than 39,145 Palestinian killed at the time of writing this piece, 89,800 injured, with 70 percent of all casualties being children, women, and old men. 129 people … Continue reading “US Gives a War Criminal the Honor of Speaking to Congress”

Iran’s Suspicious ‘Plot’ To Kidnap a Dissident in America

In a statement on July 13, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) accused four Iranian intelligence officers living in Iran of plotting to kidnap an Iranian political activist in New York in order to return her to Iran. The alleged victim is the controversial Iranian political activist Masoumeh Alinejad Ghomi, who is widely known … Continue reading “Iran’s Suspicious ‘Plot’ To Kidnap a Dissident in America”

The Fake Image of ‘Democratic’ Afghanistan Made by the US Collapses With the Taliban Victory

It took the Taliban less than two weeks to take full control of Afghanistan, including its Capital, Kabul. The Afghan national army that had been trained and equipped by the United States with a price tag of nearly $90 billion, collapsed completely without putting up much of any fight. President Ashraf Ghani, the isolated puppet … Continue reading “The Fake Image of ‘Democratic’ Afghanistan Made by the US Collapses With the Taliban Victory”

After I Declared That ‘Palestinian Lives Matter,’ Facebook Immediately Closed My Page

The latest round of war between the Palestinian people and Israel has been raging for days with no end in sight. Although the common belief is that this round began after Israel tried to evict 12 Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem, which was indeed an important factor in … Continue reading “After I Declared That ‘Palestinian Lives Matter,’ Facebook Immediately Closed My Page”

Killing al-Qaeda’s No. 2 Man Multiple Times and Using the IAEA Report as Excuse for Attacking Iran

Two recent reports are serious warnings to those who oppose the United States endless wars in the Middle East. The reports indicate that although President Trump has lost the elections, his efforts against Iran are continuing, and that he may be looking for an excuse to attack Iran in the last few weeks of his … Continue reading “Killing al-Qaeda’s No. 2 Man Multiple Times and Using the IAEA Report as Excuse for Attacking Iran”

Israel Is Trying To Provoke Iran To Start a War

With only four months left to the U.S. presidential elections, and the increasing likelihood of Donald Trump, the most pro-Israel President in history, losing, Israel has been trying to provoke Iran to start a war, so that it can drag the United State into it. This is not anything new. For over a decade Benjamin … Continue reading “Israel Is Trying To Provoke Iran To Start a War”

Iran’s Long List of Grievances Against the United States

On May 8 President Donald Trump announced that the United States will be leaving the nuclear agreement that Iran signed in July 2015 with P5+1 – the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany – officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The President also announced that he … Continue reading “Iran’s Long List of Grievances Against the United States”

Pompeo’s Ridiculous Crocodile Tears for Iranian People

On Sunday 22 July 2018 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke before what the State Department claimed to be representatives of the Iranian-American community in the United States. Attendance was by invitation only, and the questions had to be submitted in advance, so that they could be vetted. Those who attended were mostly supporters of … Continue reading “Pompeo’s Ridiculous Crocodile Tears for Iranian People”

Who Is the Real Culprit Behind the Chemical Attacks in Syria? A Brief History

Last Friday night, the United States launched a series of missile strikes on Syria in retaliation for the alleged chemical attacks by the Syrian army in Douma, a town in northeast suburb of Damascus. Douma, which is part of the Ghouta district where a ferocious war has been raging between the Syrian government forces and … Continue reading “Who Is the Real Culprit Behind the Chemical Attacks in Syria? A Brief History”