Exum’s Challenge: Game On!

As the dust was settling on what has been glibly called the “Rolling Stan” affair, it became apparent that the biggest damage that reporter Michael Hastings wrought was not in exposing Gen. Stan McChrystal and his staff for their impolitic grumblings, but in challenging the very strategy of the war itself. More specifically, he raised … Continue reading “Exum’s Challenge: Game On!”

Turkey, America, and Empire’s Twilight

When U.S. forces found themselves beset by a growing insurgency in Iraq following their lightning overthrow of Saddam Hussein, the most obvious parallel that came to mind was Vietnam: an occupying army, far from home, besieged by a shadowy foe. But Patrick Cockburn, the Independent‘s ace Middle East reporter, suggested that the escalating chaos was … Continue reading “Turkey, America, and Empire’s Twilight”

E. Jerusalem Peace May Rest on the Future of 88 Houses

SILWAN, Occupied East Jerusalem – Frequent clashes and continuing tension in disputed East Jerusalem could portend a major outbreak of civil unrest, residents fear. Confrontations follow Israel’s acceleration of plans to demolish dozens of Palestinian homes. This could leave over a thousand Palestinians homeless. Furthermore, Israel is continuing to strip hundreds of East Jerusalemites of … Continue reading “E. Jerusalem Peace May Rest on the Future of 88 Houses”

Monday: 6 Iraqis Killed, 46 Wounded

At least six Iraqis were killed and 46 more were wounded in attacks across the country, but rocket and mortar attacks that may have targeted U.S. Vice President Joe Biden left no casualties in the Green Zone. Meanwhile, Biden spoke with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani before wrapping up his trip to Iraq.

Bill Kristol Must Resign!

Bill Kristol is demanding the head of GOP national chairman Michael Steele, who, in a moment of honesty, questioned the wisdom of invading and occupying Afghanistan. Yet Kristol has never been elected to anything: indeed, the pretentious little gremlin once threatened to quit the GOP, back in the 1990s, when the Republicans in Congress voted … Continue reading “Bill Kristol Must Resign!”

Sunday: 19 Iraqis Killed, 57 Wounded

As U.S. Vice President Joe Biden met with the two leading contenders for prime minister, several suicide bombers put a damper on the attempt to reconcile the politicians’ efforts to hasten the formation of the next government. At least 19 Iraqis were killed and 57 more were wounded across the country. Also, two U.S. soldiers were wounded when their convoy came across a roadside bomb.

Saturday: 4 Iraqis Wounded

Vice President Joe Biden made an unannounced trip to Iraq to encourage officials to end an impasse preventing a new prime minister from taking office. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki met Biden, but separately also met with a congressional committee to reassure them of progress in that selection. Also, at least four Iraqis were wounded in light violence.

Afghanistan War: Why Are We Doing It?

Statement in the House by Rep. Tim Johnson of Illinois on funding the war in Afghanistan. I stand in opposition to this rule and in sincere but deep opposition to this $63 billion massive spending bill, and particularly the war spending component of the bill.  I speak, I believe, on the behalf of the hundreds … Continue reading “Afghanistan War: Why Are We Doing It?”

The War That’s Not a War

Statement in the House by Rep. Ron Paul of Texas on funding the war in Afghanistan. In January 1991, we went to war in the Middle East against Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s dictator who was our ally during the Iran-Iraq war. A border dispute between Kuwait and Iraq broke out after our State Department gave a … Continue reading “The War That’s Not a War”

The Stray Bullet Theory

Since the invasion of Afghanistan for the purpose of overthrowing its government, I have wondered what to call the stupidity of the operative theory. There is no superior strategy for getting Bin Laden than the strategy of getting Bin Laden.  Anything other than that is hoping he will be hit by a stray bullet.  The … Continue reading “The Stray Bullet Theory”