Helen Asks Why

Thank God for Helen Thomas, the only person to show any courage at the White House press briefing after President Barack Obama gave a flaccid account of the intelligence screw-up that almost downed an airliner on Christmas Day. After Obama briefly addressed L’Affaire Abdulmutallab and wrote "must do better" on the report cards of the … Continue reading “Helen Asks Why”

Making Sense of the New CIA Battlefield in Afghanistan

It was a Christmas and New Year’s from hell for American intelligence, that $75 billion labyrinth of at least 16 major agencies and a handful of minor ones. As the old year was preparing to be rung out, so were our intelligence agencies, which managed not to connect every obvious clue to a (literally) seat-of-the-pants … Continue reading “Making Sense of the New CIA Battlefield in Afghanistan”

The Weird Factor

What I call the Weird Factor, for lack of a better name, seems to have become a permanent feature of our post-9/11 world, a dark and sinister leitmotif that plays in the background. On 9/11, of course, the Factor was on full display as a whole string of unusual events and unexplained phenomena were visited … Continue reading “The Weird Factor”

Iran Uses Fear of Covert Nuclear Sites to Deter Attack

The New York Times reported Tuesday that Iran had "quietly hidden an increasingly large part of its atomic complex" in a vast network of tunnels and bunkers buried in mountainsides. The story continued a narrative begun last September, when a second Iranian uranium enrichment facility near Qom was reported to have been discovered by U.S. … Continue reading “Iran Uses Fear of Covert Nuclear Sites to Deter Attack”

In Defense of Avatar

Some writers who are generally my allies in favor of capitalism and free markets have been critical of the movie Avatar. Reihan Salam, for example, on Forbes.com, writes, "In a sense, capitalism is the villain of Avatar." Edward Hudgins, a fan of Ayn Rand, as am I, writes that Avatar is "loaded with tired, mind-numbing … Continue reading “In Defense of Avatar

Sunday: 2 Iraqis Killed, 20 Wounded

A civil suit thought to be settled may not be over for Blackwater Worldwide. Some Iraqi families want more compensation for deaths and injuries caused by the companies contractors. Meanwhile, at least two Iraqis were killed and 20 more were wounded in new attacks. An Iraqi civilian injured in the deadly 2007 Blackwater shootout has … Continue reading “Sunday: 2 Iraqis Killed, 20 Wounded”

Saturday: 5 Iraqis Killed, 8 Wounded

At least five Iraqis were killed and eight more were wounded in light violence. Meanwhile, Iraq began disarming private contractors in what appears to be a response to the dismissal of U.S. court case against Blackwater. Iraqi forces began confiscating arms from private security contractors that are no longer licensed to operate in Iraq. The … Continue reading “Saturday: 5 Iraqis Killed, 8 Wounded”

Speaking Truth to Power

There’s a phrase originating with the peace activism of the American Quaker movement: "Speak truth to power." One can hardly speak more directly to power than addressing the presidential administration of the United States. This past October, students at Islamabad’s Islamic International University had a message for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. One student summed … Continue reading “Speaking Truth to Power”

US Voices Growing Concern Over Sudan Accord

U.S. and other Western officials expressed growing concern Friday over the fate of the peace accord signed five years ago this week by Khartoum and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM). "[T]ime is limited, the stakes are high, and there is much work yet to be done to secure a lasting peace and prevent the … Continue reading “US Voices Growing Concern Over Sudan Accord”

Sale of Land to Israel Threatens to Split Greek Orthodox Church

RAMALLAH – Israel’s bid to keep occupied East Jerusalem under its sovereignty and prevent its incorporation into a future Palestinian state has been boosted over the years with the acquiescence of the Greek Orthodox Church. The church’s sale of politically sensitive land in East Jerusalem under dubious circumstances and amid charges of political blackmail have … Continue reading “Sale of Land to Israel Threatens to Split Greek Orthodox Church”