Missile Defense and
the American Empire

Less than a week after the U.S. presidential election, the Iranians claimed to have tested a new, more accurate missile with sufficient range to reach Israel and southeastern Europe. So it looks like the Obama administration will get tested early on two issues: Iran and missile defense. With regard to the latter, according to Obama’s … Continue reading “Missile Defense and
the American Empire”

Tuesday: 23 Iraqis Killed, 35 Wounded

Updated at 5:50 p.m. EST, Nov. 18, 2008At least 23 Iraqis were killed and 35 more were wounded in the latest reports of violence. In political news, elections have been set for Jan. 31 in most of Iraq’s 18 provinces. The top Iraqi cleric gave tacit support to a U.S.-Iraqi security agreement now being debated … Continue reading “Tuesday: 23 Iraqis Killed, 35 Wounded”

Obama-Tied Think-Tank Calls for Pakistan Shift

A think-tank closely tied to U.S. President-elect Barack Obama is calling for a "dramatic strategic shift" in Washington’s policy toward Pakistan, one designed to both strengthen civilian institutions and promote an effective counter-insurgency against al-Qaeda and indigenous Islamist extremists in the tribal areas along the Afghan border who increasingly threaten the country’s stability. In a … Continue reading “Obama-Tied Think-Tank Calls for Pakistan Shift”

Election ’08: How Did the Empire Do?

In the wake of the recent election results it’s essential to ask how the Empire fared. It’s not just occupying Iraq. It’s not just brutally occupying Afghanistan under the guise of a war on terror being fought by the heirs of the Wahhabist-influenced, Carter-Reagan-CIA-trained guerrilla armies. It’s not only continuing the encirclement of Russia and … Continue reading “Election ’08: How Did the Empire Do?”

The Real Goal of Israel’s Blockade

The latest tightening of Israel’s chokehold on Gaza – ending all supplies into the Strip for more than a week – has produced immediate and shocking consequences for Gaza’s 1.5 million inhabitants. The refusal to allow in fuel has forced the shutting down of Gaza’s only power station, creating a blackout that pushed Palestinians bearing … Continue reading “The Real Goal of Israel’s Blockade”

Why Guantánamo Must Be Closed

On Sunday, in his first television interview since winning the presidential election, Barack Obama repeated his campaign pledge to close the prison at Guantánamo Bay and to ban the use of torture by U.S. forces. Speaking on 60 Minutes, he explained, “I have said repeatedly that I intend to close Guantánamo, and I will follow … Continue reading “Why Guantánamo Must Be Closed”

AIPAC’s Man in
the Obama Camp

Barack Obama’s first appointment, that of Chicago Congressman Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff, is quite frankly unsettling and suggests that voters who had hoped for real change in Washington will be disappointed. There should also be some concern on the part of Americans who believe that a close and continuing relationship with a … Continue reading “AIPAC’s Man in
the Obama Camp”

Monday: 18 Iraqis Killed, 45 Wounded

Updated at 3:15 p.m. EST, Nov. 17, 2008At least 18 Iraqis were killed and another 45 were wounded in the latest attacks. Another seven people were injured during an explosion blamed on a defective pipeline. No Coalition deaths were reported. Meanwhile, the Iraqi parliament began debate on a U.S.-Iraqi security agreement, raising hope that a … Continue reading “Monday: 18 Iraqis Killed, 45 Wounded”

Obama Advised to Forgo More Threats to Iran

A strategy of threats and "provocations" against Iran by the incoming administration of President-elect Barack Obama is likely to be counterproductive, according to a new report released here Friday by a group of 20 former top U.S. diplomats and regional experts. The group, co-chaired by former UN Ambassador Thomas Pickering and James Dobbins, a top … Continue reading “Obama Advised to Forgo More Threats to Iran”

Gitmo Disappointment Coming

Of course, the default position for any citizen with a modicum of experience and common sense should be to prepare to be disappointed by a politician, especially one in whom one was rash enough to invest much hope. We are already seeing a certain amount of backing and filling from the Obama camp on withdrawal … Continue reading “Gitmo Disappointment Coming”