Thursday: 2 US Soldiers, 9 Iraqis Killed; 17 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 5:12 p.m. EDT, April, 8, 2010 At least nine Iraqis were killed and 17 more were wounded in new attacks. Also, two U.S. soldiers were killed and five more were wounded during combat operations in northern Iraq yesterday. Meanwhile, U.S. Central Command said there are no plans to reopen an investigation into a 2007 helicopter attack that left two Reuters journalists dead.

Friday: 3 Iraqis Killed, 4 Wounded

Amidst a tight race and allegations of ballot fraud, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is forming a committee that will negotiate with other political blocs to build a new coalition government. Final election results are still days away. Meanwhile, light violence left at least three Iraqis dead and four more wounded on the prayer day. Also, the commander of U.S. forces in northern Iraq hinted at a need for U.S. combat forces to remain in Iraq after an Aug. 31st deadline.

Thursday: 4 Iraqis Killed, 18 Wounded

Updated at 7:12 p.m. EST, Mar. 11, 2010 Some election results were released today amid allegations of fraud by one of the major parties. At least four Iraqis were killed and 18 more were wounded in various attacks. Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department blamed the Iraqi government for human rights abuses, including the murder of Iraqi civilians. Also, Prime Minister Maliki underwent minor surgery.

Friday: 1 Iraqi Killed, 9 Wounded

Updated at 8:15 p.m. EST, March 5, 2010 On the last day of legal campaigning, no significant violence took place; however, at least one Iraq child was killed and nine more were wounded in minor attacks. Clerics used the prayer day to urge Iraqis to vote. In the U.K., British Prime Minister Gordon Brown testified at an inquiry, saying the war in Iraq was justified but the United States failed to head warnings over post-war chaos.

Thursday: 17 Iraqis Killed, 82 Wounded

Early voting began today, and so election-related attacks heightened. At least 17 Iraqis were killed and 82 more were wounded in poll violence across the country. Those who cannot vote on Sunday were encouraged to take advantage of today’s special polling. They include about 850,000 security personnel, prisoners and hospital patients.

Tuesday: 4 Iraqis Killed, 12 Wounded

The only city to report casualties, so far, today was Mosul, which saw one Iraqi death. Four other Iraqis were wounded there as well. Meanwhile, Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi traveled to Damascus to help mend relations that were damaged when Baghdad blamed Syria for enabling deadly bombings last year. At the same time, Iraq has also improved relations with Kuwait by appointing its first ambassador in 20 years.