And he said he would be, Anthony Gregory says
In what could well be a premonitory moment, they evacuated the Pentagon when the Richmond earthquake hit. The Capitol was also cleared out, for fear its pylons would crash down upon the heads of our shaken solons. Perhaps it was His way of deflating the hubris of our Washington elite, as they giddily proclaim of …
Continue reading “Libya: Obama’s Pyrrhic Victory”
Since coming to Washington, Barack Obama has won a Nobel Prize for Peace, but he hasn’t been much of a peacemaker. Instead, he has doubled down on his predecessor’s wars while launching blatantly illegal ones of his own. But, as his supporters would be quick to point out, at least he’s standing by his pledge …
Continue reading “Iraq Withdrawal? Don’t Take It to the Bank”
George W. who? I mean, the guy is so over. He turned the big six-five the other day, and it was barely a footnote in the news. And Dick Cheney, tick-tick-tick. Condoleezza Rice? She’s already onto her next memoir, and yet it’s as if she’s been wiped from history, too. As for Donald Rumsfeld, he …
Continue reading “Obama’s Bush-League World”
I can’t remember a time when the U.S. military has been stuck in so many quagmires at once. Libya seems destined to fail unless the U.S. gets a lucky shot and kills Gadhafi. U.S. militarists are openly maneuvering to stay in Iraq — the war Obama told us was over. Relations with nuclear-armed Pakistan are …
Continue reading “Has US Foreign Policy Ever Been Such a Mess?”
Ordinarily on Friday our good congressional representatives cast their last vote and scurry quickly out of the House chamber. But last Friday they tarried, watching in amazement as the roll call proceeded on the second of two bills addressing Obama’s war on Libya. And lo and behold, for the second time in a day the …
Continue reading “Confusion on All Sides as Stealth Bill to Approve Libyan War Defeated”
Explaining the Obama administration’s rationale for violating the War Powers Act by not asking Congress for authorization to attack Libya, the White House claims that what’s going on in Libya isn’t war, it’s a “kinetic military action.” This set off such a round of guffaws – even from Libya war supporters in the Democratic congressional …
Continue reading “It’s ‘Kinetic,’ So Don’t Get Frenetic”
No one needs to tell the public that politicians are slick — and the ones who get elected are the oiliest. President Obama, in a recent speech announcing the phased withdraw of 33,000 U.S. surge forces from Afghanistan by September 2012, told the country that the United States had largely achieved its goals in Afghanistan …
Continue reading “Like Nixon, Obama Will Waste Lives to Get Reelected”
Although John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives, laudably sent a recent letter to President Barack Obama suggesting the possibility of a violation of the War Powers Resolution in the attack on Libya, he was 90 days too late. Obama’s violation did not occur this past weekend, but when the first American aircraft attacked …
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Nobody seems to have noticed, but in the nearly two and a half years of the Obama administration at least three commonplace phrases of the George W. Bush era have slipped into oblivion: “regime change,” “shock and awe,” and “imperial presidency.” The war in Libya should remind us of just how appropriate they remain. By …
Continue reading “The War on the Word ‘War’”