The Danger Is Not China But the Fake China Threat

At times a book is convincing not only because its arguments are sound but also because of the author’s identity.  It would be no surprise to encounter a book penned by a socialist or Sinophile that takes on the false portrait of China that graces the US media.  But Joseph Solis-Mullen, the author of The … Continue reading “The Danger Is Not China But the Fake China Threat”

Jewish Students Opposing Gaza Genocide, a Powerful Counter to Antisemitism

The many Jewish students in the campus encampments, along with other Jews protesting the Gaza phase of the Palestinian Genocide, deserve the highest praise for many reasons.  One reason is that by their deeds they are countering what might otherwise turn into a wave of antisemitism. The portrait of the encampments in much of the … Continue reading “Jewish Students Opposing Gaza Genocide, a Powerful Counter to Antisemitism”

US Is Losing In Ukraine. Blame China, Says Blinken.

At the close of his recent trip to China, on April 26 while still in Beijing, Sec. of State, Anthony Blinken, made an extremely bellicose statement to the press.  Blinken’s words marked a new phase in the narrative to prepare the American and European public for more conflict with China.   As Caitlin Johnstone has reminded … Continue reading “US Is Losing In Ukraine. Blame China, Says Blinken.”

How To Stop the $95 Billion War Bill

The National Security Act of 2024 (H.R. 815) provides funding for the Israeli genocide, the Ukraine proxy war and the provocative arming of Taiwan.  Arming Ukraine and Taiwan drives us one step closer to nuclear war.  The price tag on H.R. 815 is a whopping $95 billion dollars to be transferred from the pockets of … Continue reading “How To Stop the $95 Billion War Bill”

Cut Off War Funds by Stopping the Congressional Discharge Petition

UPDATED March 30:  No signatures while Congress is out of session – which means the Easter recess puts a stop to it until Monday, April 8. Nothing can justify a genocide.  And nothing can justify providing weaponry and support for those conducting a genocide. Nevertheless, the US Senate on February 13 passed a bill that … Continue reading “Cut Off War Funds by Stopping the Congressional Discharge Petition”

Putin Explains Why Russia Doesn’t Pose a Threat to Europe

Tucker Carlson began his interview of President Vladimir Putin with the words, “On February 24, 2022, you addressed your country in your nationwide address when the conflict in Ukraine started….”  Clearly the war in Ukraine was the motivation and central topic for the interview.  But precisely what Mr. Putin had to say about the Ukraine … Continue reading “Putin Explains Why Russia Doesn’t Pose a Threat to Europe”

An American Appeals to Taiwan: Don’t Vote To Be Ukraine 2.0

On January 13, the people of Taiwan, officially designated the Republic of China (ROC), will elect a new President and unicameral legislature known as the Legislative Yuan.  The election hinges on the question of Taiwan’s policy toward the Mainland, the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). That policy will have a profound impact on East Asia … Continue reading “An American Appeals to Taiwan: Don’t Vote To Be Ukraine 2.0”

Arming Taiwan is an Insane Provocation

The Island of Taiwan has been turned into a “powder keg” by the infusion of U.S. weaponry, pushing the Taiwanese people into the “abyss of disaster.”  These are the words of the Chinese Defense Ministry in reaction to the recent $440 million sale of U.S. arms to the island. And now the U.S. is also … Continue reading “Arming Taiwan is an Insane Provocation”

Taiwan’s US Representative Not ‘Satisfied’ With Biden’s Support

Bi-khim Hsiao, Taiwan’s Representative in the United States, is a familiar figure in the halls of power but she does not often make public speeches. So a recent talk and press conference by Ms. Hsiao deserve some attention. The One China Policy, endorsed by the US and UN, does not recognize Taiwan Island as an independent … Continue reading “Taiwan’s US Representative Not ‘Satisfied’ With Biden’s Support”

Primers on the Durham Report: Antidotes to Silence and Bias of Mainstream Media

The coverage in the mainstream media of the Durham Report puts another nail in the coffin of the Russiagate Hoax, if another were needed after the total collapse of the Mueller investigation. The response to Durham’s report in much of the mainstream media varied from silence to attempts to discredit the report. As a result, … Continue reading “Primers on the Durham Report: Antidotes to Silence and Bias of Mainstream Media”