Deciphering the Chinese Smile

On the anniversary of 9/11, newspapers throughout China ran front page photos of the burning Towers – many with an inset depicting mourning Americans. Articles focused on America’s War on Terrorism, the anguish of the victims’ familis and the few Chinese nationals that died in the attack. The newspapers tended to be very sympathetic toward … Continue reading “Deciphering the Chinese Smile”

The Day Nothing Changed

"The world has changed. Nothing is the same any more." Those were the two most common sentiments last year, in the shell-shocked aftermath of Black Tuesday, as the horrors of war stopped being something that happened elsewhere. A year later, those phrases ring hollow – along with the pledges to fight "terrorism" and "evil." On … Continue reading “The Day Nothing Changed”

Questions That Won’t Be Asked About Iraq

Soon we hope to have hearings on the pending war with Iraq. I am concerned there are some questions that won’t be asked – and maybe will not even be allowed to be asked. Here are some questions I would like answered by those who are urging us to start this war. 1. Is it … Continue reading “Questions That Won’t Be Asked About Iraq”

Preventive or Preemptive War?

Do you believe President Bush and Prime Minister Blair that there are new reports suggesting that Saddam Hussein is getting somewhat close to being able to manufacture a nuclear weapon, or do you believe the International Atomic Energy Agency, which says it has no such evidence? In terms of justifying an attack on Iraq, it … Continue reading “Preventive or Preemptive War?”

A Foreign Policy for Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty

Thomas Jefferson spoke for the founders and all our early presidents when he stated: “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none…” which is, “one of the essential principles of our government”. The question is: Whatever happened to this principle and should it be restored? We find the 20th Century was … Continue reading “A Foreign Policy for Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty”

WE’RE MAKING A DIFFERENCE is making a difference. I first realized this when commentators  outside our little circle of noninterventionist policy wonks and activists began referring to "the War Party" in heartily derisive tones. Of course, it’s a logical name for the interventionists, a name that tells it like it is, as well as being deeply rooted in … Continue reading “WE’RE MAKING A DIFFERENCE”

Iraq War II: This Time We Mean It

Tony Blair has let it be known that he’s willing to bear, quote (as they say), ‘the blood sacrifice’ the special relationship entails. Now we’re above the sort of knee-jerk pacifist liberal jerkwaddery that cries out, ‘hey, dude, it’s not you man who’ll do the bleeding’. In this instance, other than superciliousness, I don’t know … Continue reading “Iraq War II: This Time We Mean It”

Why China Can Disregard US Anger

I‘m sitting with my good friend and owner of my favorite “Western Bar” in Chongqing, Mr. Ma, when suddenly he jumps up and whispers to me excitedly: “There is someone you must meet!” This someone turns out to be the Head of the Economic Security Bureau in Chongqing City i.e. the Chief of the Bribe … Continue reading “Why China Can Disregard US Anger”