Remembering the Obvious

If memory is what defines an individual, history is what defines a nation. Just as personal memory is colored by individual perceptions, collective memory – history – tends to be colored by the perceptions of those who record it. However economy of scale, and the differences between the collective and individual mind, make manipulating collective … Continue reading “Remembering the Obvious”


The Times [of London] headline said it all: "Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel." What more do we need to know about our "special relationship" with Israel? Israel demands, we obey. Yes, there is something very "special" indeed about U.S.-Israeli relations: like John Williams-Muhammed and John Lee Malvo, Bonnie and Clyde, Nathan … Continue reading “TEAM KILLERS”

David Frum’s Guide to Mythology, Part II

Last week we looked at Mr David Frum, and we found him so incredible and fantastic that we felt we’d have to come back and look at him some more this week. Our initial interest in him was excited by this stray Canuck being inflicted on right wing British newspaper-readers as a guide to all … Continue reading “David Frum’s Guide to Mythology, Part II”

Turkey’s Election: Complications and Blowback?

The first thing Ivan Eland, the Cato Institute’s Director of defense Policy Studies, said to me about the election in Turkey was that the victory of a putatively moderate Islamicist party is at least partly attributable the increasingly aggressive tone of U.S. foreign policy regarding the region. Domestic factors, especially the inability of the current … Continue reading “Turkey’s Election: Complications and Blowback?”


When I was a little boy, no more than ten years old, I steadfastly refused to go to sleep at night without first putting the theme from the movie Exodus, by Ernest Gold, on the old record player. The soaring chords, the majestic crescendos, the uplifting arpeggios were my introduction to the heroic sense of … Continue reading “ATTACK OF THE OXYMORONS”


When I was a little boy, no more than ten years old, I steadfastly refused to go to sleep at night without first putting the theme from the movie Exodus, by Ernest Gold, on the old record player. The soaring chords, the majestic crescendos, the uplifting arpeggios were my introduction to the heroic sense of … Continue reading “ATTACK OF THE OXYMORONS”

A North Korea-Pakistan Connection?

A little over two weeks after North Korea shocked the world by admitting that it has a clandestine nuclear weapons acquisition programme, some more dismaying facts have come to light. The most stunning of these may be the world’s first instance of the actual transfer, from one state to another, of advanced know-how to make … Continue reading “A North Korea-Pakistan Connection?”

The Once Controversial Question of War Finance

With regard to the war or “war,” the hot-and-cold rhetoric of the Bush II administration, lo! these many months, has been wonderful to behold: first they say that “we” must launch an aggressive war against Iraq now, or “we” are doomed. Tomorrow will be too late! Then they say that, on the other hand, the … Continue reading “The Once Controversial Question of War Finance”


Certain people are touchstones – your reaction to them is a defining moment, a means of identifying who you are and what you believe. My friend Pat Buchanan is one of those polarizing types (we have that in common), and the reaction to his new magazine, The American Conservative, is certainly defining something important about … Continue reading “NEOCONS OF THE LEFT”


Certain people are touchstones – your reaction to them is a defining moment, a means of identifying who you are and what you believe. My friend Pat Buchanan is one of those polarizing types (we have that in common), and the reaction to his new magazine, The American Conservative, is certainly defining something important about … Continue reading “NEOCONS OF THE LEFT”