Adjust or Fall

All across the world economic ministers are asking themselves "What are we to do about China?" Everybody wants to sell their goods here, but inevitably, Chinese goods break through what trade barriers are left in place in the 21st century and swamp the market, putting locals out of business and sending consumers away smiling at … Continue reading “Adjust or Fall”

Warmongers of the Congressional Black Caucus

In 2002, this writer went on record predicting US military action in West Africa. Rumsfeld had just said that Al-Qaeda had operations in 60 countries, and that the US maintained prerogative to go into those potentially failed states and strike blows for American values. And Assistant Secretary of State Walter Kansteiner was quoted last summer … Continue reading “Warmongers of the Congressional Black Caucus”

What Does Bush Have to Hide?

The long-awaited congressional report on 9/11 came with a kicker: 28 redacted pages, deemed too sensitive for the unwashed masses, which have generated more discussion than all the other 800-plus pages put together. The censored section deals with “specific sources of foreign support for some of the September 11 hijackers while they were in the … Continue reading “What Does Bush Have to Hide?”

Israel’s War For Terrorism

It is high time to reiterate the favourite media question – "Is Arafat Unable, or Rather Unwilling to Stop Terrorism" – but with a different protagonist. Prime Minister Sharon has now been in office for about 15 months. He has been enjoying total and unprecedented freedom, both nationally and internationally, to fight Palestinian terrorism however … Continue reading “Israel’s War For Terrorism”

The Worthy Balkans Booklist

It would be deeply unfair to offer only a list of dreadful books about the Balkans Wars and not mention the other kind – the books that help the overall understanding of the region and the turmoil it has been undergoing for the past decade or so. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, the number of good … Continue reading “The Worthy Balkans Booklist”

Mr. Sharon, Tear Down That Wall!

The “fence,” as the Israelis and their amen corner in the U.S. call it, is actually a wall, about 25 feet high: higher than the Berlin Wall. Like every atrocity carried out by the Israeli government, it is being sold as a “defensive” measure, but is in reality an act of aggression, cutting off large … Continue reading “Mr. Sharon, Tear Down That Wall!”

Where Will Timothy McVeigh Strike Next?

Sixty years after it was dropped on Salzburg, a U.S. bomb explodes, killing the two men who tried to defuse it. Vietnamese kids keep losing fingers, toes, arms, and legs to a conflict they’re too young to have even forgotten. Hostages of last year’s Chechen theater siege are still collapsing from the elixir that set … Continue reading “Where Will Timothy McVeigh Strike Next?”

White House Used Info from Iraqi Exiles in Bush’s Speech

Last weekend, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz explained that the United States at times relied on "murky" intelligence in trying to link Iraq to the al-Qaeda terrorist group, but the war against Iraq was justified despite the fact that the White House is now being dogged by questions about the accuracy of its prewar … Continue reading “White House Used Info from Iraqi Exiles in Bush’s Speech”

White House Used Info from Iraqi Exiles in Bush’s Speech

Last weekend, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz explained that the United States at times relied on "murky" intelligence in trying to link Iraq to the al-Qaeda terrorist group, but the war against Iraq was justified despite the fact that the White House is now being dogged by questions about the accuracy of its prewar … Continue reading “White House Used Info from Iraqi Exiles in Bush’s Speech”

Wolfowitz Spins the Aftermath

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, back from a whirlwind tour of Iraq, spent Sunday morning spinning the increasingly troubling aftermath of the war and occupation of Iraq. Seeking to defuse such news as that 13 Americans died during the seven days ending Saturday, he said, according to the AP, that Americans understand (or should come … Continue reading “Wolfowitz Spins the Aftermath”