What if You Lived There?

Listen up, all you grassroots conservatives, those whom Grover Norquist calls the "leave us alone" coalition. You don’t want D.C.’s taxes, its welfare, its gun control, its schools, its regulations, in short, its endless meddling in your affairs. Why do you think anyone else does? For just a moment, avert your eyes from the flag … Continue reading “What if You Lived There?”

A Tale of Two Democrats

"I don’t have to get elected to a bloomin’ thing. And I don’t have to do things that are politically correct. The hell with everybody. I’m free at last." – Ernest Hollings, 1992. I‘m going to miss Fritz Hollings, the 81 year old Senator [D-SC] who announced on August 3 that he won’t stand for … Continue reading “A Tale of Two Democrats”

US Troops in Iraq are Sitting Ducks

August 7, 2003 – A car pulls up in front of the Jordanian Embassy in Baghdad, in the early morning hours: the occupants exit, and leave the scene. Not too long after, a huge explosion decimates the area: at least 10 people are killed, with as many as 40 wounded. August 7, 1998 – A … Continue reading “US Troops in Iraq are Sitting Ducks”

Wolfowitz: Iraq Not Involved in 9-11, No Ties to al-Qaeda

Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, one of the main architects for the war in Iraq, admitted for the first time that Iraq had nothing to do with the September 11 terrorist attacks, contradicting public statements made by senior White House and Pentagon officials whose attempt to link Saddam Hussein and the terrorist organization al-Qaeda … Continue reading “Wolfowitz: Iraq Not Involved in 9-11, No Ties to al-Qaeda”

Wolfowitz: Iraq Not Involved in 9-11, No Ties to al-Qaeda

Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, one of the main architects for the war in Iraq, admitted for the first time that Iraq had nothing to do with the September 11 terrorist attacks, contradicting public statements made by senior White House and Pentagon officials whose attempt to link Saddam Hussein and the terrorist organization al-Qaeda … Continue reading “Wolfowitz: Iraq Not Involved in 9-11, No Ties to al-Qaeda”

Pentagon Office Home to Neo-Con Network

An ad hoc office under US Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith appears to have acted as the key base for an informal network of mostly neo-conservative political appointees that circumvented normal interagency channels to lead the push for war against Iraq. The Office of Special Plans (OSP), which worked alongside the Near East … Continue reading “Pentagon Office Home to Neo-Con Network”

The New Janissaries

This week, just as His Elevated Majesty was becoming increasingly testy about all the questioning of his feeble rationalizations for the Empire’s Middle Eastern adventure – which has turned quite sour for the troops on the ground – Washington received an unlikely morale booster. It was announced that during his late July visit to Washington, … Continue reading “The New Janissaries”

Has Blair Sexed Up Saddam’s Atrocities, Too?

As Tony Blair waltzed out of his final press conference and off to Barbados last week, he once again sidestepped crucial questions on Iraq. Indeed, faced with the collapse of his pre-war "intelligence" on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, Tony Blair is falling back on human rights abuses committed by Saddam Hussein as the new … Continue reading “Has Blair Sexed Up Saddam’s Atrocities, Too?”

Dean vs. Loserman

The War Party fights dirty, as Howard Dean is beginning to find out. His antiwar stance has galvanized Democrats and independents sick unto death of a tame “opposition” party terrorized into silence on the vital question of war and peace. Unlike the other Democratic critics of the President, he isn’t a born-again anti-interventionist, but opposed … Continue reading “Dean vs. Loserman”

Occupation: Counting the True Costs

Slowly and gradually, as the death toll mounts, as the "weapons of mass destruction" continue to prove elusive, and as evidence mounts that many if not most of the certainties U.S. officials touted as evidence that Saddam Hussein posed an imminent threat were based on at least shaky and probably deceptive intelligence information, the American … Continue reading “Occupation: Counting the True Costs”