Max Boot Is Out of This World

Far rightwing journalist and resurgent imperialist Max Boot has come back from Iraq and pronounced the US venture there a resounding success. Of imperialism he said, "No need to run away from the label America’s destiny is to police the world." This gonzo style, borrowed on the sly from Ariel Sharon and falsely attributed to … Continue reading “Max Boot Is Out of This World”

The Lost Terror War

The much-ballyhooed "War on Terror" that followed the horrors of Black Tuesday fizzled in the blood of thousands. Afghanistan was reduced to even more rubble, yet the Taliban are back and the Bearded One is still at large. Iraqis are so happy about their "liberation" they kill American soldiers on a daily basis. The worldwide … Continue reading “The Lost Terror War”

Max Boot Is Out of This World

Far rightwing journalist and resurgent imperialist Max Boot has come back from Iraq and pronounced the US venture there a resounding success. Of imperialism he said, "No need to run away from the label America’s destiny is to police the world." This gonzo style, borrowed on the sly from Ariel Sharon and falsely attributed to … Continue reading “Max Boot Is Out of This World”


The other day, I did something I don’t do much anymore: I actually bought a magazine, feeling a twinge of nostalgia as I paid the clerk. With nearly everything important online, my natural stinginess impels me to foreswear periodicals printed on dead trees, for the most part, although certain exceptions are made. I buy The … Continue reading “9/11 CONSPIRACY CHIC”

Palestinian-Born Playwright Offers Insight and Hope for the Peace in the Middle East

In a tiny downstairs room in San Francisco, there is a play being performed that, in true theatrical (and San Franciscan) spirit, confronts not one but two hot-button socio-political issues facing the world community today. The somewhat ironically-named New Conservatory Theatre is already known nationally for the frank exploration of homosexual themes present in much … Continue reading “Palestinian-Born Playwright Offers Insight and Hope for the Peace in the Middle East”

US in for More Than a Penny in Iraq

President Bush looked calm, determined and resolved Sunday night as he capped off Week One of the National Football League with a reminder that U.S. troops are committed to a much more serious and deadly game halfway around the globe. Still it was not difficult to detect a certain sense of desperation in the decision … Continue reading “US in for More Than a Penny in Iraq”

Coherent Argument, Meet Matt Welch

Matt Welch is vexed. According to him, U.S. involvement in Iraq has unleashed a storm of lies. No, not about uranium from Niger, or 45 minute launch times, or vast stores of anthrax, not those little fibs. Welch is referring to "lies" that exaggerate the impact of sanctions on Iraqis, especially children. These "myths" are … Continue reading “Coherent Argument, Meet Matt Welch”


The Sunday morning talk shows were teaming with administration spokesmen, prepping the public for their boss’s evening pitch for support on Iraq. Here’s Colin Powell on “Face the Nation”: “It’s going to cost more, and there will be continued sacrifice on the part of our young men and women. Hopefully, in the very near future … Continue reading “BUSH SPEECH: NO U-TURN ON THE ROAD TO EMPIRE”

Let’s Hope Nobody Calls the US’s Bluff

It is significant that US Treasury Secretary John Snow arrived in Beijing on the heels of the six-party talks concerning peace on the peninsula. Snow arrived to discuss the undervalued yuan, which may be held up during next year’s elections as the dead rat fouling up Sino-US relations. The yuan is pegged to the dollar … Continue reading “Let’s Hope Nobody Calls the US’s Bluff”