White House Silenced Experts Who Questioned Iraq Intel Six Months Before War

Six months before the United States was dead-set on invading Iraq to rid the country of its alleged weapons of mass destruction, experts in the field of nuclear science warned officials in the Bush administration that intelligence reports showing Iraq was stockpiling chemical and biological weapons was unreliable and that the country did not pose … Continue reading “White House Silenced Experts Who Questioned Iraq Intel Six Months Before War”

An Evening with Ann Coulter

On the evening of June 3, 2003, conservative pundit Ann Coulter came to Jacksonville to address the Ponte Vedra Federated Republican Women’s Club as part of a book tour in support of her latest, Treason. Without exception, the audience was comprised of serious local Republicans. Eminence Grise and State Representative Don Davis introduced Coulter, and … Continue reading “An Evening with Ann Coulter”

The Ambassador from Alabama

Reasons to Be Fearful? No doubt at this very moment, in the manner of a BBC historical drama about Appeasement, some brave-but-ignored Cassandra at, oh, the Telegraph, is preparing to stub out his cigarette, pat the cat, kiss his wife on both cheeks, put on his trilby and walk out the front door for the … Continue reading “The Ambassador from Alabama”

Iraq: What Are We Getting Into?

Recently fired Army Secretary Thomas White said last week that senior defense officials "are unwilling to come to grips" with the scale of the postwar US obligation in Iraq. Similarly, in February, Army chief of staff General Eric Shinseki brought the same message to Congress: occupation of Iraq would take "several hundred thousand" troops. Both … Continue reading “Iraq: What Are We Getting Into?”

Democracy Through Censorship

It is often said of the Palestinians, and not without justice, that they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Something similar might be said of the U.S. occupation forces in Iraq, now fretting and fuming about the difficulties of establishing order and security in a country just beginning to feel its oats after … Continue reading “Democracy Through Censorship”


Senator Robert Bennett (R-Utah) has denounced the widespread call for the U.S. to account for the "weapons of mass destruction" Iraq was supposed to have as "historical revisionism." This is odd phraseology. Our understanding of history is being constantly revised and updated, as new evidence comes to light, which is why "revisionism" – acting as … Continue reading “BEHIND THE LIES”

No WMDs? Fabulous, but Still Beside the Point

In the aftermath of the Iraq war, intense scrutiny has fallen on the search for weapons of mass destruction. The peace camp can barely suppress its glee as each day passes with no smoking vials or reactors, and that’s perfectly understandable. It’s nice to see one’s antagonists – especially this sorry mob – sweat beneath … Continue reading “No WMDs? Fabulous, but Still Beside the Point”

Dead in the Water

“If it was an accident, it was the best planned accident I’ve ever seen.” – USS Liberty Survivor The repurcusions of American foreign policy affect not only third world nations and the American taxpayer, but also the American servicemen at the front lines. One unforgettable example of the last involved the crew of the USS … Continue reading “Dead in the Water”

Iraq’s WMD Intelligence: Where Is the Outrage?

With each passing day, the questions surrounding Iraq’s missing weapons of mass destruction take on added urgency. Where are the massive stockpiles of VX, mustard, and other nerve agents that we were told Iraq was hoarding? Where are the thousands of liters of botulinim toxin? Wasn’t it the looming threat to America posed by these … Continue reading “Iraq’s WMD Intelligence: Where Is the Outrage?”