WASHINGTON U.S. military auditors have criticized construction giant Halliburton for the way it does business in Iraq, concerns amplified by former employees who are alleging financial abuses in the U.S.-occupied country. “In our opinion, the contractor’s billing system is inadequate in part,” said the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) in a report made available …
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Although their hopes for transforming Iraq into a pro-U.S. base in the heart of the Arab world have been badly set back, neo-imperial hawks in the Bush administration are proceeding as fast as possible to reinvent U.S. forces worldwide as “globocop,” capable of preempting any possible threat to its interests at a moment’s notice. In …
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It’s pathetic, really, to have to hear our war birds squawk and complain about the consequences of the policy they wanted so passionately, the glorious crusade they argued for with such overriding certainty and sense of mission. Here’s Andrew Sullivan on the Abu Ghraib horror show: “We have to know who really sanctioned this. And …
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The last column laid out the basic framework of the Four Generations of modern war. Here, we pick up with a discussion of “the canon,” the seven books which, read in the order given, will take the reader from the First Generation through the Second, the Third and on into the Fourth. The first book …
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Sexualized violence and harassment of women is a widespread problem within the U.S. armed services, but according to a government investigation and testimony from numerous female soldiers who have been raped, assaulted and harassed by male soldiers, the Pentagon’s response has been woefully inadequate. The findings come at a time when new evidence suggests that …
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In an extraordinary legal maneuver, a New York state prosecutor announced that he will not re-try four peace activists in Ithaca, but instead handed the matter off to the local U.S. Attorney to take over the prosecution. Four peace activists in Ithaca, New York, Daniel Burns, 43, Clare Grady, 45, Teresa Grady 38, and Peter …
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An interview conducted by “Philip Dru.” Check out his other interviews with prominent libertarians and antiwar personalities. Recorded May 30, 2004 WMV format (requires Windows Media Player) MP3 format (download requires any MP3 player) Ron Paul is a Republican Congressman from Texas. His columns appear regularly on Antiwar.com.
MONTREAL One week from now, seven days before voters take part in one of the closest elections in recent Canadian history, a window will open onto a crime that appalled and captivated people throughout this country and worldwide. But until the inquiry starts June 21 into the case of Maher Arar a Canadian …
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KABUL On the flight out of Dubai, an item in the pockets of the passenger seats removes all doubt about the airplane’s destination: along with the laminated sheet detailing aircraft safety procedures is a brochure from the United Nations Landmine Action Service explaining how to avoid death or injury from the explosive devices in …
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A Wall Street Journal article last week detailed a Department of Defense memo that discusses the legality of interrogation and torture methods in the wake of events at Abu Ghraib. The document reportedly advises that the president has authority to order almost any action, including physical or psychological torture, despite federal laws to the contrary. …
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