A Lesson From Ukraine: China’s Red Lines on Taiwan Shouldn’t Be Ignored

Originally published at the Independent Speech Forum (Japan) Back in January, during the lead up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Chinese ambassador to the United States delivered a stark warning. Ambassador Qin Gang said that Washington’s growing ties with Taipei could ultimately lead to war between the US and China. "If the Taiwanese authorities, … Continue reading “A Lesson From Ukraine: China’s Red Lines on Taiwan Shouldn’t Be Ignored”

Antiwar.com and Mainstream Media: A Study in Contrasts, at Forever War Year 20

To say that the mainstream press’s recent coverage of America’s ostensible Afghan War withdrawal – and Iraq-Syria mission muddle-throughs – has been atrocious could be a competitive candidate for understatement of the year. Nearly everyday is the same, when I open my email newsletters from publications like the Washington Post and New York Times – … Continue reading “Antiwar.com and Mainstream Media: A Study in Contrasts, at Forever War Year 20”

Despite Pushing Them Together, the US Is Unhappy With Closer Russia-China Ties

US sanctions and other actions against Russia and China have naturally drawn Beijing and Moscow closer together. Despite the obvious result of Washington’s policies over the past few years, US officials are acting surprised and concerned about the growing Russia-China relationship. A Biden administration official told Politico that the issue was of so much concern … Continue reading “Despite Pushing Them Together, the US Is Unhappy With Closer Russia-China Ties”

After Gaza Slaughter, Israel Wants Another $1 Billion Out of the US

After an 11-day bombing campaign in Gaza that killed at least 256 Palestinians, including 67 children, Israel has its hand out to its greatest ally for an additional $1 billion in “emergency” military aid, on top of the $3.8 billion Washington provides each year. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) confirmed that Israel will make the request … Continue reading “After Gaza Slaughter, Israel Wants Another $1 Billion Out of the US”

Could the Philippines Drag the US Into War with China?

Tensions are rising again between the Philippines and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) over rival claims to small islands and their surrounding waters in the South China Sea. The latest incident began in late March when more than 200 Chinese "fishing vessels" arrived at Whitsun Reef, which Manila calls Juan Felipe Reef – a … Continue reading “Could the Philippines Drag the US Into War with China?”

The Cold War, Rebooted and Rebranded

Originally posted at TomDispatch. When it comes to future conflicts or present-day war games, they have all the advantages and we have none! Or as Eric Edelman, a former undersecretary of defense for policy, told CNN recently, “Russia and China are playing a home game, we are playing an away game.” And mind you, we’re … Continue reading “The Cold War, Rebooted and Rebranded”

War Erupts Inside the Atlantic Council Over Article Questioning Washington’s Hostile Approach to Moscow

An article written by two Atlantic Council employees that argues Washington should consider a more realistic approach to Russia caused quite the stir within the think tank. The article, written by Emma Ashford and Mathew Burrows, says the US should “avoid a human-rights-first approach to Russia.” The authors suggest that the Biden administration should instead … Continue reading “War Erupts Inside the Atlantic Council Over Article Questioning Washington’s Hostile Approach to Moscow”

Election Day: One Thing’s for Sure, an Interventionist Will Win

The 2020 presidential election is here. Americans are turning out in record numbers to vote, with pre-election voting surpassing two-thirds of the number of all ballots cast in 2016. The country is divided, and the two major-party candidates are presented as starkly different options. But one thing Donald Trump and Joe Biden have in common … Continue reading “Election Day: One Thing’s for Sure, an Interventionist Will Win”

Hunter’s Emails: Even the Russiagaters Don’t Think It’s Russian Disinformation

Liberals blaming Russia for Hunter Biden’s laptop was easy to predict, but Joe Biden’s complete dismissal of the emails as a Russian plot during last week’s debate took it to another level. "There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant," Biden said at the … Continue reading “Hunter’s Emails: Even the Russiagaters Don’t Think It’s Russian Disinformation”

Tweets Are Not Enough, It’s Time To End Some Wars Already

In typical Trumpian fashion, the president threw out some red meat to the antiwar crowd during one of his Twitter storms last week and declared all US troops will be home from Afghanistan by Christmas. Since then, the military has remained relatively mum on the actual plan, and Americans have been bombarded by a deluge … Continue reading “Tweets Are Not Enough, It’s Time To End Some Wars Already”