Does Russia’s Ukraine Experience Increase or Reduce the Likelihood That China Will Invade Taiwan?

There continue to be sharply competing narratives about what relevance Russia’s invasion of Ukraine might have for the Taiwan issue. One school of thought contends that Moscow’s flagrant violation of international norms against using force to deal with a territorial dispute might encourage the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to do the same to resolve … Continue reading “Does Russia’s Ukraine Experience Increase or Reduce the Likelihood That China Will Invade Taiwan?”

Why the US Bears Responsibility for Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis

An entire generation of Yemeni children has suffered the traumas of war, many of them orphaned, maimed, malnourished, or displaced. The United Nations reports a death toll of 100,000 people in that nation’s ongoing war, with an additional 131,000 people dying from hunger, disease, and a lack of medical care. A report from Save the … Continue reading “Why the US Bears Responsibility for Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis”

Washington Slams Cuba’s Doctors as US Embargo Blocks Coronavirus Aid

The coronavirus pandemic is exposing the cruelty of US imperialism to the world as Washington’s crippling economic sanctions remain in full effect. The decades-old US embargo on Cuba blocked a coronavirus aid shipment from a Chinese entrepreneur last month, another example in a long list of US policies hampering the world’s efforts to combat the … Continue reading “Washington Slams Cuba’s Doctors as US Embargo Blocks Coronavirus Aid”

Tulsi Gabbard’s Chance to Make the Race About the Wars

Tulsi Gabbard, U.S. Representative from Hawaii, is running for president. She’s one of the only Democrats in the race who says anything meaningful or interesting about foreign policy. Unlike the rest of them, she’s decided to make it the center of her campaign. Gabbard was for Iraq War II before she was against it, serving … Continue reading “Tulsi Gabbard’s Chance to Make the Race About the Wars”