On the Street in China: A Report

I heard about the first poster calling for demonstrations against America and death to the American devils minutes before I walked into my Tuesday afternoon English class. According to my friend, who saw the poster, members of the Southwest Agricultural University English Department put it up – in other words, students of mine. I looked … Continue reading “On the Street in China: A Report”

Israeli Left Sells Out Peace

In a previous column we have seen how Barak united an overwhelming majority of Israelis behind the dangerous conviction that "The Enemy Does Not Want Peace." By now, this has been affirmed empirically: According to the findings of a Peace Index survey conducted by Tel Aviv University’s Tami Steinmetz Centre for Peace Research, 72 percent … Continue reading “Israeli Left Sells Out Peace”

Kristol and Buchanan

William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, has the best public relations operation around: in spite of the fact that his puny little magazine has significantly less readers than Antiwar.com, and regularly loses millions, he is the liberals’ favorite conservative, and thus gets touted by ABC News (where he once served as the “conservative” counterpoint … Continue reading “Kristol and Buchanan”

War Party Plays the Race Card

Today [Thursday morning] Matt Drudge used the “H”-word for the first time in a headline: POWELL HAS HOPE FOR ‘LITTLE SITUATION’ WITH CHINA, Matt notes with apparent disdain, darkly adding: HOSTAGES ENTER 6TH DAY OF CAPTIVITY. How long before Dan Rather opens his newscasts by solemnly intoning that it’s “Day [pick a number, any number] … Continue reading “War Party Plays the Race Card”

Let the Serbs Handle Slobo

It might turn out to be fortunate, although I see no evidence yet that the timing was other than coincidental, that the current Serbian government arrested Slobodan Milosevic the same week the Bush administration was confronted with its first major foreign-policy incident with the downing of a U.S. spy plane near Chinese territorial waters. With … Continue reading “Let the Serbs Handle Slobo”

The Ressurrection of Gary Powers

The story we are getting about the “accidental” downing of an EP-3 spy plane, packed with sensitive electronic equipment, over the South China sea, and its emergency landing on Hainan island, at a Chinese military base, makes absolutely no sense – no matter whom is doing the telling. A GAUNTLET THROWN The Chinese say that … Continue reading “The Ressurrection of Gary Powers”