The Anti-China Left

The utter meaninglessness of the “left”-“right” political spectrum was brought home to me the other day, as I read yet another anti-Chinese diatribe: “It was,” averred the editorialist, “a sweet triumph for the philologists of appeasement” when the Bush administration settled the Hainan incident with a few words of diplomacy. WorldNetDaily? Nope. The Weekly (Sub)Standard? … Continue reading “The Anti-China Left”

Rising Sun

The recent confrontation with China has shifted the focus of US policymakers to Eastasia, but most analysts have viewed this in terms of cold war ideology (the neoconservatives) or economics (Team Bush). As far as I know, only William Pfaff framed the issue in geopolitical and historical terms, making the point that this may be … Continue reading “Rising Sun”

On the Street in China: A Report

I heard about the first poster calling for demonstrations against America and death to the American devils minutes before I walked into my Tuesday afternoon English class. According to my friend, who saw the poster, members of the Southwest Agricultural University English Department put it up – in other words, students of mine. I looked … Continue reading “On the Street in China: A Report”

Israeli Left Sells Out Peace

In a previous column we have seen how Barak united an overwhelming majority of Israelis behind the dangerous conviction that "The Enemy Does Not Want Peace." By now, this has been affirmed empirically: According to the findings of a Peace Index survey conducted by Tel Aviv University’s Tami Steinmetz Centre for Peace Research, 72 percent … Continue reading “Israeli Left Sells Out Peace”

Kristol and Buchanan

William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, has the best public relations operation around: in spite of the fact that his puny little magazine has significantly less readers than, and regularly loses millions, he is the liberals’ favorite conservative, and thus gets touted by ABC News (where he once served as the “conservative” counterpoint … Continue reading “Kristol and Buchanan”