A Much Admired Country

After the Heritage Foundation gave Lady Thatcher their Clare Boothe Luce award – presented by Vice President Cheney – the Iron Lady defied doctor’s orders, and made a little speech. She warned us that we face the ‘twin headed monster’ of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, and moreover she praised her successor, as Prime … Continue reading “A Much Admired Country”

A Slight Detour on the Road to a Police State

It is rare that we get anything even resembling good news on the ongoing effects on American liberties of the undeclared and amorphous but still useful (to some) war on terror. And in fact this is not unalloyed good news. Still, it’s worth noting and issuing a modest cheer or two. Last week U.S. District … Continue reading “A Slight Detour on the Road to a Police State”


The Israelis are riding high, these days – but not, perhaps, for long. Ever since 9/11, the Israeli government and its American amen corner have been making the point that Israel’s fight is now America’s fight, and this argument has met with some success. A recent article in Ha’aretz notes that Israel is winning the … Continue reading “BY WAY OF DECEPTION”

The Israelization of America

US officials recently announced the somewhat jarring news that Israeli security forces will be training American soldiers in the techniques of urban warfare. Apparently Israel’s illegal thirty-five year occupation of Palestine has enabled it to perfect tactics that our troops will need in a ‘possible’ war on Iraq. Most informed Americans will receive this news … Continue reading “The Israelization of America”

Masters of All They Survey

One of the useful things done by the late Michel Foucault was to remind us of what a looney Jeremy Bentham was. He did this by setting up Bentham’s screwball plans for a "panopticon" prison, as a central metaphor in his Birth of the Prison. This pretty much exhausts my interest in Foucault, and we … Continue reading “Masters of All They Survey”

I Want My Country Back

Thoughts on the American empire … Is It an Empire? Whenever I say that America has become an empire, someone is sure to say I’m being ridiculous. But what do you call a government that has tried (usually successfully) to force "regime changes" in Panama, Grenada, South Vietnam, Cuba, Guatemala, Chile, Rhodesia, South Africa, Iraq … Continue reading “I Want My Country Back”


National Review Online recently posted "Ten Questions for Adel al-Jubeir," yet another rant by Stephen Schwartz, the Michael Ruppert of the Right, who claims that the Saudi government was really behind the 9/11 attacks. It is the usual fare from the neocons’ resident Saudi-phobe, a weird mixture of smears and unintentional humor. For example, Schwartz … Continue reading “PORTRAIT OF A WAR BIRD”


Uh-Oh …. Don’t look now, but last week President Vladimir Putin had the bright idea of bringing back the five-pointed red star as the insignia of the Russian military. It all begins to make sense if we note the Russian government’s crackdown on … Barbie! The Guardian is on the story: "The Russian Ministry of … Continue reading “TO RUSSIA, WITH LOVE”