Playing the Soviet Part

Once upon a time in a mountainous land far away, a superpower came to the aid of a government that shared its political philosophy. No one dreamed that an insurgency made up of Muslims could possibly prevail against the military superpower. Yet that’s what happened in Afghanistan, and it produced several results: It created a … Continue reading “Playing the Soviet Part”

US Cries Foul Over China Fair Play

Is the United States facing the threat of an economic 9/11 as Chinese corporations supposedly get ready to take control of US businesses and the entire economy? That is certainly the impression one would get after listening to the anti-China rhetoric out of Capitol Hill, after one of China’s state-controlled oil companies made an unsolicited … Continue reading “US Cries Foul Over China Fair Play”

Re-Checking Saddam’s List

Now that the Brits have spilled the beans about how Bush and Blair hoped to get the Security Council to make demands on Saddam Hussein that he would find unacceptable, and the billion-dollar post-war Iraq Survey Group has validated Saddam’s declaration, you may wish to reprise this Supercritical Thoughts column that appeared at WorldNetDaily on … Continue reading “Re-Checking Saddam’s List”

Managed Democracy: Washington’s Prospective Policy in the Middle East

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s highly publicized tour in the Middle East, Asia and Europe carried with it little or no surprises. But even then, one must not altogether write off the possibility of some lessons to be learned, even if indirectly. The Middle East leg of her journey, which lasted from June 17-20, … Continue reading “Managed Democracy: Washington’s Prospective Policy in the Middle East”

Memo to the Iraq War

On the propaganda front, it’s been another tough week for Washington’s war makers. But for them, where there’s hope there’s death. Let’s address the Iraq war directly: It’s too soon to know whether the Bush administration’s new PR offensive will do anything for you in terms of public opinion. But rest assured that the U.S. … Continue reading “Memo to the Iraq War”

They Died for Their Country

“In this time of testing, our troops can know: The American people are behind you. Next week, our nation has an opportunity to make sure that support is felt by every soldier, sailor, airman, Coast Guardsman, and Marine at every outpost across the world. This Fourth of July, I ask you to find a way … Continue reading “They Died for Their Country”

How to End the War: Negotiations Now!

In an excellent piece in the UK’s premier conservative magazine, the Spectator, Michael Wolff, a Vanity Fair columnist who covered the invasion from Centcom headquarters, sums up the present moment in Iraq quite well: “All in all, after more than two years of combat and any number of cycles of triumphalism followed by dismal comeuppance, … Continue reading “How to End the War: Negotiations Now!”

Maniacs on Pedestals

“[B]y false interpretations, and naked usurpations, the government has been made in practice a very widely, and almost wholly, different thing from what the Constitution itself purports to authorize. … But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we … Continue reading “Maniacs on Pedestals”