Thwarting the Neo-Crazies

On Dec. 18, 2003, Iran signed an Additional Protocol to their Safeguards Agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency. Although not required to do so until the Iranian Parliament "ratifies" it, Iran volunteered to act "in accordance with the provisions of the Additional Protocol, as a confidence building measure." The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty requires all … Continue reading “Thwarting the Neo-Crazies”

Trashing the IAEA Again

When asked about the passage last week of the International Atomic Energy Agency Resolution on the implementation of its Safeguards agreement with Iran, President Bush replied "The Iranians agreed to suspend – but not terminate – their nuclear weapons program. Our position is they ought to terminate their nuclear weapons program." What nuclear weapons program? … Continue reading “Trashing the IAEA Again”

Lying About Iran

The neo-crazies – in and out of government – lied to you last year about Iraq’s "nuclear programs," and this year they’re lying to you about Iran’s. What constitutes lying? Well, either making an untrue statement with intent to deceive, or deliberately creating a false impression. The neo-crazies told you right up till the eve … Continue reading “Lying About Iran”

Iran’s Stealthy Nukes

Apparently President Bush believes he has been given another four years to subvert and/or replace the half-dozen or so regimes he deems to be either a threat to the “freedom” of its citizens or to our “national security.” Iran is at the top of his list. How else to explain the concerted effort this week … Continue reading “Iran’s Stealthy Nukes”

Here We Go Again

When President Bush needed a rationale for invading Iraq, he told Congress that Saddam Hussein posed “a continuing threat to the national security of the United States” by "actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability, and supporting and harboring terrorist organizations." Now, every congressperson knew – or should have known – that Saddam was not actively … Continue reading “Here We Go Again”

Uranium-Enrichment Myths Busted

To get your support for the application of the Bush Doctrine to Iraq last year, the neo-crazies claimed to have slam-dunk intelligence that Saddam had secretly reconstituted his uranium-enrichment program and would, therefore, soon have nukes to give to terrorists. But Mohamed ElBaradei – Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – had … Continue reading “Uranium-Enrichment Myths Busted”

Is an Attack on Iran ‘Inconceivable’?

Undersecretary John Bolton has pushed – unsuccessfully – for nearly two years to get the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors to refer to the UN Security Council what he alleges are violations by Iran of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Unsuccessfully, because the IAEA has concluded after an exhaustive special inspection that … Continue reading “Is an Attack on Iran ‘Inconceivable’?”

A Radical Change in North Korea Policy

President Bush’s reelection mandate has apparently resulted in a radical change in our policy toward the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). Quoting some unnamed U.S. official, the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun said that the U.S. has just established a "red line" the DPRK is not to cross. Ten years ago, the DPRK was operating … Continue reading “A Radical Change in North Korea Policy”

Bye-Bye, ElBaradei

One result of Bush’s reelection will be an attempt next month by Undersecretary of State John Bolton to deny Mohamed ElBaradei another term as director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The IAEA was originally set up in 1957 to promote the international, safe, secure, and peaceful use of nuclear energy. But, in … Continue reading “Bye-Bye, ElBaradei”

Dissing the IAEA

The International Atomic Energy Agency – under Director General Mohamed ElBaradei – has been the bane of the neo-crazies, having given the lie to neo-crazy charges that Iraq had nukes. To obviate a similar embarrassment over Iran, the neo-crazies charge that the IAEA is improperly engaged in "investigating and enforcing nuclear non-proliferation accords," activities that … Continue reading “Dissing the IAEA”