Changing ‘Criminal’ Regimes

The goal of our foreign policy – as advocated by activists across the political spectrum – has long been the substitution of sycophantic regimes for existing “criminal” regimes. What makes a regime criminal? Well, for some of the crazies, the regime is criminal if it commits or allows to be committed what they consider to … Continue reading “Changing ‘Criminal’ Regimes”

Iran’s Rights Compromised

According to the United Nations statute establishing the International Atomic Energy Agency: "The Agency shall seek to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health, and prosperity throughout the world. It shall ensure, so far as it is able, that assistance provided by it or at its request or under its supervision … Continue reading “Iran’s Rights Compromised”

Nuke-Free Zone

The Neo-Crazies, in cahoots with the Anti-Nuclear-Whatever crazies, have managed to get Western politicians from across the political spectrum to view-with-alarm the Iranian nuclear weapons “threat.” Of course, as those politicians know, there is no evidence whatsoever that Iran is now a nuke threat. Know, because until March of this year Iran had voluntarily cooperated … Continue reading “Nuke-Free Zone”

More Condi Diplomacy?

The French, Brits, and Germans (the E3, allegedly acting on behalf of the European Union) have just made a confidential take-it-or-you’ll-be-sorry offer to Iran to “come back to the negotiating table.” To what table and to negotiate what? Well, with the Tehran Agreed Statement of 2003, Iran had hoped to get the EU to ignore … Continue reading “More Condi Diplomacy?”

Protecting Leakers

It was announced last week that Wen Ho Lee will receive $895,000 from the government for his legal fees in return for dropping a suit in which he accused unnamed officials in the Department of Energy and Department of Justice of violating his privacy rights back in 1999 by leaking certain information to the Associated … Continue reading “Protecting Leakers”

The Iranian Crisis Resolved

Secretary of State Condi Rice issued an ultimatum to Iran, last week, to give up "the pursuit of nuclear weapons." Meanwhile, the Arab League, the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the China-Arab Cooperation Forum all called for a "nuke-free" Middle East. All three organizations also expressed strong support for the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons … Continue reading “The Iranian Crisis Resolved”

Hijacked by the Neocrazies

As you listen to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice deliver her ultimatum to the Iranian mullahs, imagine you are a passenger on a hijacked airliner, headed towards Iran. You already know what the neo-crazy hijackers did to Iraq, shortly after Bush-Cheney-Rice delivered a similar ultimatum to Saddam Hussein. “The pursuit by the Iranian regime of … Continue reading “Hijacked by the Neocrazies”

The Best Congress
Money Can Buy

Ehud Olmert – who assumed the office of prime minister of Israel earlier this month – has just addressed a joint session of what some cynics have been referring to lately as “The Best Congress Money Can Buy.” That’s the same Congress where House members voted overwhelmingly (361-37) the day before Olmert’s address for a … Continue reading “The Best Congress
Money Can Buy”

Kudos to Congress From Israel

Ehud Olmert – who assumed the office of prime minister of Israel earlier this month – has already met with President Bush at the White House and addressed a joint session of Congress. Now, you may remember that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, newly elected president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, addressed the General Assembly of the … Continue reading “Kudos to Congress From Israel”

Another Coalition of the Willing?

At last week’s Conference on Disarmament, Stephen Rademaker, acting assistant secretary, international security and nonproliferation, submitted a draft Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) that would be acceptable to the Bush-Cheney administration. In September 1993, President Bill Clinton had called for a "multilateral" convention banning the production of "fissile materials" for use in nuclear weapons, and … Continue reading “Another Coalition of the Willing?”