To Joe Biden: Time for Confession

Dear Sen. Biden, I don’t have to remind you of the importance of this Thursday’s debate from a political perspective. But as you prepare, I invite you to spare a few minutes to look at the opportunity from a moral and religious perspective. You may wish to examine your conscience regarding how you have acted … Continue reading “To Joe Biden: Time for Confession”

Iran’s Road Less Traveled to Nukes

Thomas Fingar, the U.S. government’s top intelligence analyst, in a public speech on Sept. 4, repeated the intelligence community’s key judgment that Iran’s work on the "weaponization portion" of its nuclear development program "was suspended" in 2003. Not that the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM) has exactly trumpeted this important conclusion. One has to read down … Continue reading “Iran’s Road Less Traveled to Nukes”

Trickle-Down Preemption

Ten days ago, as the nation focused attention on the hurricane nearing the Mississippi Delta, another storm was brewing far upstream in St. Paul, Minn. – a storm far more dangerous, it turned out, but one by and large overlooked by the fawning corporate media (FCM). When I flew into St. Paul on Saturday evening, … Continue reading “Trickle-Down Preemption”

Musharraf Out, Like Nixon; Bush Still In, Like Flynn

Most of the fawning corporate media (FCM) coverage of Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf’s resignation Monday was even more bereft of context than usual. It was as if Musharraf looked out the window and said, "It’s a beautiful day. I think I’ll resign and go fishing." Thus, the lead in Tuesday’s editorial in the New York … Continue reading “Musharraf Out, Like Nixon; Bush Still In, Like Flynn”

Out Damn Blot: A Letter to Powell

Dear Colin, You have said you regret the "blot" on your record caused by your parroting spurious intelligence at the U.N. to justify war on Iraq. On the chance you may not have noticed, I write to point out that you now have a unique opportunity to do some rehab on your reputation. If you … Continue reading “Out Damn Blot: A Letter to Powell”

Maliki’s ‘Timetable’ Shakes Iraq Debate

You say you expected more rhetoric than reality from Senators Obama and McCain in their speeches about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Well, that’s certainly what you got. What I find nonetheless amazing is how they, and the pundits, have taken such little notice of the dramatic change in the political landscape occasioned by Iraqi … Continue reading “Maliki’s ‘Timetable’ Shakes Iraq Debate”

Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?

Unlike the attack on Iraq five years ago, to deal with Iran there need be no massing of troops. And, with the propaganda buildup already well under way, there need be little, if any, forewarning before shock and awe and pox – in the form of air and missile attacks – begin. This time it … Continue reading “Bomb Iran? What’s to Stop Us?”

Australia Bolts Iraq Over Bush’s Lies

Matilda is waltzing home from Iraq, and the Australians are lucky but chastened. Lucky for having lost not one soldier in combat of the 2,000 sent to join the "coalition of the willing" attack on Iraq in March 2003. Chastened because Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is now pulling no punches in decrying the subservience … Continue reading “Australia Bolts Iraq Over Bush’s Lies”

McClellan’s Warning on Iran

Stop! Please. Get beneath the hype over former White House press secretary Scott McClellan’s book, What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception. Don’t miss the forest for the trees. Not since John Dean told the truth about President Richard Nixon’s crimes have we had an account by a very close … Continue reading “McClellan’s Warning on Iran”