Obama Administration Silencing Pakistani Drone-Strike Lawyer

When is the last time you heard from a civilian victim of the CIA’s secret drone strikes? Sure, most of them can’t speak because they’re deceased. But many leave behind bereaved and angry family members ready to proclaim their innocence and denounce the absence of due process, the lack of accountability, and the utter impunity … Continue reading “Obama Administration Silencing Pakistani Drone-Strike Lawyer”

10 Reasons to Keep an Eye on AIPAC

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is one of the most powerful lobby organizations in the country. On March 4-6, AIPAC will hold its annual policy conference in Washington, D.C. The speakers include Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. President Barack Obama, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Republican candidate Newt Gingrich, and a host … Continue reading “10 Reasons to Keep an Eye on AIPAC”

Jailed for Sailing to Gaza, Challenging the Blockade

Two boats full of courageous passengers were on their way to Gaza when they were intercepted on Friday, November 4, by the Israeli military in international waters. We call the passengers courageous because they sailed from Turkey on November 2 with the knowledge that at any moment they might be boarded by Israeli commandos intent … Continue reading “Jailed for Sailing to Gaza, Challenging the Blockade”

100 Days of Solidarity With Iraq

This week marks the beginning of what is supposed to be the final 100 days of the U.S. occupation of Iraq. But if U.S. troops are to leave Iraq at the end of this year as promised — repeatedly — it will take grassroots pressure to counter the growing “occupy Iraq forever” chorus in Washington. … Continue reading “100 Days of Solidarity With Iraq”

Congress Sees Middle East Through AIPAC-Colored Glasses

During August recess this year, 81 members of Congress went on a junket to Israel funded by the Israel lobby group AIPAC (well, funded by the American Israel Education Fund, but they are really one and the same) to " learn first-hand about one of our closest friends and allies." While the representatives insist they got a … Continue reading “Congress Sees Middle East Through AIPAC-Colored Glasses”

10 Reasons to Move Cheney’s Book to the Crime Section

Former Vice President Dick Cheney was given a multi-million-dollar contract to write a book about his political career. According to Cheney’s media hype, the book, called In My Time, will have “heads exploding all over Washington.” The Darth Vader of the Bush administration offers no apologies and feels no remorse. But peace activists around the … Continue reading “10 Reasons to Move Cheney’s Book to the Crime Section”

Stop Sacrificing American Lives for Afghan Debacle

The 38 dead in Saturday’s helicopter crash in Afghanistan include 31 Americans, making this the deadliest day for U.S. forces since the war began. The tragic loss of American lives might be worth the sacrifice if it were making America safer, or if our presence were significantly improving the well-being of the Afghan people. But … Continue reading “Stop Sacrificing American Lives for Afghan Debacle”

By Torpedoing the Gaza Flotilla, Israel Sank Its Own Ship

Instead of high-fiving each other for their success in thwarting the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Israeli officials should be throwing overboard the propaganda hacks who catapulted the flotilla into headline news for weeks and left Israel smelling like rotten fish. Last year, when the Israeli military killed nine aboard the Turkish ship, the incident made waves … Continue reading “By Torpedoing the Gaza Flotilla, Israel Sank Its Own Ship”