Empire Studios’ Syrian Sequel Syria is just like Kosovo, argued one interventionist two weeks ago, on the pages of the War Street Journal. According to Fouad Ajami, both involve a brutal dictator oppressing innocent civilians, and the Empire ought to act the same way, bypassing the U.N., and — to borrow a phrase from the …
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Last summer, as the Sandstorm mistakenly dubbed the “Arab Spring” swept across North Africa, a cadre of professional revolutionaries the Empire created in Serbia bragged about their role in the revolts to some European videographers. Sure, the revolts in Tunisia and Egypt may have begun spontaneously, but Empire-trained activists soon took control and channeled the rage into “regime change.” …
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Nebojsa Malic on Croatia joining the EU
January 6, 2012 More War in 2012 Last year was supposed to be the one of shattered illusions. From “victories” in Iraq and Afghanistan to the springtime for jihad – not democracy – in the Arab world, the Empire consistently failed to conjure its virtual reality into actual being. Yet there is no indication its …
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Nebojsa Malic reviews 2011
Germany Leads – But Where?
Nebojsa Malic on Dayton’s rough anniversary
Nebojsa Malic on the Russophobia of Serbia’s Quislings
Glitches in Empire’s Matrix In the virtual reality concocted by the Empire, the lynching of Moammar Gadhafi was a splendid victory for NATO. Never mind now that it was the “transitional rebels” who were supposed to be fighting the “kinetic military action” in Libya — or any such inconvenient details. No, insist the Imperial partisans, …
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To an observer of Balkans affairs, it is impossible to watch any sort of popular protest anywhere in the world, and not think of October 5, 2000. That was the day the Empire-supported "democratic opposition" in Serbia orchestrated a coup and ousted from power Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic (dismantling Yugoslavia itself soon thereafter). The coup was …
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